Your Opportunity Clocks…It’s always your choice
We surveyed 3,355 salespeople about their sales and workday. They averaged 8 to 10 sales a month, and were only working 2 to 3 hours of their shift. Waiting for the next walk-in isn’t working … it’s just wasting your opportunity to earn more money. So, when you’re ready to improve, tell your manager you …
Auction Brings in $87K at NADA Show
Joe Verde at our NADA booth with volunteers and clients of CCI during the NADA Show in New Orleans. Canine Companions for Independence, a non-profit organization that provides trained assistance dogs to people with disabilities, including veterans. Thanks to all the bidders at the auction, which was held at OPENLANE’s booth, that helped raise $87,335 …
How do I plan my day to be more productive?
This is one of the most important questions I get – because having a productive day, especially in sales, is a combination of lots of stuff… An effective day in sales ‘to grow’ is made up of critical activities… PLANNING IS BIG! Please understand I can hit the highlights here, but there’s no room to …
How To Lose 3 Sales At A Time
I was having my BMW serviced for the first time, and while I waited, started talking to another customer. I assumed he’d bought there, and asked him about service. He said service was great. When I asked if he bought his car there, he said – “No, the price was higher than I thought it …
Build your own Prospect Gold Mine
Happens every day: You spent time, didn’t make the sale and they left. You know the stats: 78% (8 of 10) came to buy, and that doesn’t change, just because they left. That means your hottest prospect for a quick & easy sale just drove away. Averages: 33% (3 out of 9) who leave will …
Small Paycheck Or Big Paycheck?
After 50+ years of selling and training, I know most salespeople don’t realize how lucky they are to work for a dealer who provides them with training on how to sell more, because 80% do not offer training. Unfortunately, too many salespeople in our industry are taught less about selling than fast food workers are …
Learn More = Earn More!
Some say they don’t think they should have to read this, or go to class or use the courses on JVTN® they have access to. My only question to you is… Do you really NOT want to earn more? Most salespeople ignore that ‘earning more’ is the real question. They also ignore that their decision …
Focus On Value, Not On Price
Facts: We know 8 out of 10 people on your lot came to buy. We also know 50% will buy on the spot, when you do your job. To deliver 50%, it’s easy, just… A. Follow all of my 8 steps to the sale. B. Give both drivers a targeted demo & presentation on the …
Last Chance To Make It Up…
In sales, months are a race, but record years and continuous growth are a marathon. Just 4 things control your income and continued success in sales. We call them S H A C. I include testimonials from salespeople to help others realize they can learn more and sell more. Once a salesperson learns more, “I …
30 cars a month!
My new 3-month unit average is 30 cars a month! “I graduated college with a criminal justice degree, and then I started selling cars at Fred Beans Ford, just over a year ago. We use Joe Verde for our training. Our store does group training 3 days a week with Joe’s online training (JVTN®), and …
To Grow – Build Your Repeat & Referral Business
How do you maintain relationships with friends you don’t see but every few years? You stay in touch by phone, text or email. How do you make future sales to the customer who just bought from you? You stay in touch by phone, text or email. You can’t control the number of leads you get …
Develop Skills to Avoid 2 Sales Killers
My biggest challenges with developing my skills started with taking everything I learned about selling pots and pans, real estate, insurance, etc., and reworking that into the specific words & phrases I’d need to use selling cars. Then came processes. Selling pots and pans or insurance going door to door, isn’t the same process you’d …
Sales are up after class!
From 12 a month to 19.5 after your class! “I had been working in Service for 4 years, before I started selling cars. I sold cars for 5 months, and really enjoyed it – and I just got back from the Joe Verde Sales Workshop. Before I went to the class, I was averaging about 12 …
Off to the right start!
My 2nd month in the car business, and I sold 18, with your training. “I was new to the car business when I attended your How To Sell A Car Today workshop, and they were my best 2 days ever! After that, I started taking your training online. We train as a group with our …
Time makes the Biggest Difference between Making or Losing the Sale…
From Sean Gardner… Being time effective is one of the biggest differences between making or losing a sale and in creating your own customer base for the future. Losing a sale only takes minutes, plus too many salespeople assume the customer didn’t come to buy. Remember – your customers don’t know you and are cautious …
The easy way to control your growth in units & income!
Nothing Past 3 Months Ago Matters Now Why? Because it’s “History”! Let’s say you had your best month ever back in February and sold 20, that was a great month. It’s gone now, though, and so is that big paycheck. If you want to improve your sales and income, you have to know where you …
How I learned to waste every day in sales & blame someone & everything else
I spent my first 5 years in the 6-8 car rut. So, if you want to struggle, too, here are my favorite tips on how I blew my first 5 years selling cars: ________________ Yep, that describes how I spent most days my first five years as the 8-car guy – how about you? ##### …
Thomas Boosted his Sales By 50%!
“My sales are up 50% after attending your Closing and Negotiating Workshop.” “Joe, I just wanted to say thanks! I attended your 2-day Closing and Negotiating Workshop, and it was jam packed with more ways to make more money! Your ‘budget focused’ negotiation process is the way to go, and when I got back, I really …