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At 17 Units With Joe’s Training

“From 6 or 8 units a month for 27 years – to 17-18 with Joe’s training.”

“I have been in the car business for about 27 years and I was selling 6-8 cars per month. I recently transferred to a used car store where the manager lives and breathes Joe Verde. I had never heard of Joe Verde but we go through the training 3-4 times a week.

Saying the right things, getting all of the ‘yes’ questions, and turning price into budget has certainly helped me. With the training I’ve gone from 6-8 cars to 22 cars high and now I’m averaging 17-18. I would recommend Joe Verde to any dealership that wants to increase their volume and sales.

What the training meant to me personally:

The main thing is you have to want to change and grow and you have to adapt. The training changes your attitude and you look forward to coming to work every day. JVTN® is a great program, I use the VSA® and now my follow up is better than it ever was. I stay in contact with my customers and send my newsletters to let people know where I am and what’s going on. Repeat and referrals are the key because the ‘up’ on the lot is the tough guy but the people that have bought cars from you close at a much higher rate. Thanks, Joe.”

-Tom Starr, Salesperson, State Park Motors Inc., Wintersville, OH