“I made $17,355 in July!”

“Our store started the Joe Verde Online Training in May 2023, and after a couple of months of really diving into your training, I had the best month I have ever had. I killed it! I made $17,355 – and was #1 for sales for July by 4.5 units over #2. I really got into …

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Customer Satisfaction

What does it take to make a customer happy with their purchase? The answer lies in what makes any of us feel good after we’ve spent a lot of money on something.We all want to feel like we got… A “Fair Price” is always determined by what customers pay in relation to the value you’ve …

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Why settle for ‘just average’ when you have no limits?

There are people selling 40, 50, 60 and 80 units per month, and earning $100,000, $200,000, $300,000 and $500,000+ per year. So please toss those chains you’re wearing, and stop allowing yourself to get stuck in that 8 to 10 units, or less, and $40,000 to $60,000 a year rut. Those are just average units …

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Are You Working Or Waiting To Work?

You have the opportunity to make a $300 or $500 or $1,000 commission 4 times every day. Instead of developing sales skills and having the discipline to follow 8 simple steps, most salespeople settle for an average voucher every 2 or 3 days. And then explain to family and friends that it isn’t their fault, …

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