Entries Published On March, 2024
From Not Making Enough Money To A Gold Mine…
Why are some salespeople afraid of learning more to sell more? After 5 years of bell to bell days, only selling 8 cars with not nearly enough money to pay the bills, when I thumbed through Zig Ziglar’s book, I saw a gold mine. I wasn’t afraid, I was excited. Here was the #1 salesperson …
Your Only Tools In Sales Are The Words You Use
Master techs can take care of any problem, and their toolbox is so full it requires a tow truck to move it. The lube guy, though, can fit most of their tools in their pocket. Both work hard every day, but only one has the skills and tools to handle any and every job that …
Which is most important to make a sale – price or value?
Almost every salesperson is taught to focus on price, trade, down and the payments the customer is looking for when they’re out on the lot. Me, too, my first 5 years. We learned to do that from the other salespeople and from our managers. Everything was about price. We spent our time with customers trying …
Does Talking Price Kill The Deal?
The more you talk price on the lot, the closer you are to losing the sale. The easiest change you can make in 2024 to avoid missing sales is to have a great year is to stop focusing on price, trade, down and payments on the lot. Those discussions should always be inside after you …