Entries Published On November, 2024
30 cars a month!
My new 3-month unit average is 30 cars a month! “I graduated college with a criminal justice degree, and then I started selling cars at Fred Beans Ford, just over a year ago. We use Joe Verde for our training. Our store does group training 3 days a week with Joe’s online training (JVTN®), and …
To Grow – Build Your Repeat & Referral Business
How do you maintain relationships with friends you don’t see but every few years? You stay in touch by phone, text or email. How do you make future sales to the customer who just bought from you? You stay in touch by phone, text or email. You can’t control the number of leads you get …
Develop Skills to Avoid 2 Sales Killers
My biggest challenges with developing my skills started with taking everything I learned about selling pots and pans, real estate, insurance, etc., and reworking that into the specific words & phrases I’d need to use selling cars. Then came processes. Selling pots and pans or insurance going door to door, isn’t the same process you’d …