Entries Published On December, 2024
Small Paycheck Or Big Paycheck?
After 50+ years of selling and training, I know most salespeople don’t realize how lucky they are to work for a dealer who provides them with training on how to sell more, because 80% do not offer training. Unfortunately, too many salespeople in our industry are taught less about selling than fast food workers are …
Learn More = Earn More!
Some say they don’t think they should have to read this, or go to class or use the courses on JVTN® they have access to. My only question to you is… Do you really NOT want to earn more? Most salespeople ignore that ‘earning more’ is the real question. They also ignore that their decision …
Focus On Value, Not On Price
Facts: We know 8 out of 10 people on your lot came to buy. We also know 50% will buy on the spot, when you do your job. To deliver 50%, it’s easy, just… A. Follow all of my 8 steps to the sale. B. Give both drivers a targeted demo & presentation on the …
Last Chance To Make It Up…
In sales, months are a race, but record years and continuous growth are a marathon. Just 4 things control your income and continued success in sales. We call them S H A C. I include testimonials from salespeople to help others realize they can learn more and sell more. Once a salesperson learns more, “I …