Auction Brings in $87K at NADA Show

Joe Verde at our NADA booth with volunteers and clients of CCI during the NADA Show in New Orleans. Canine Companions for Independence, a non-profit organization that provides trained assistance dogs to people with disabilities, including veterans. Thanks to all the bidders at the auction, which was held at OPENLANE’s booth, that helped raise $87,335 …

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How do I plan my day to be more productive?

This is one of the most important questions I get – because having a productive day, especially in sales, is a combination of lots of stuff… An effective day in sales ‘to grow’ is made up of critical activities… PLANNING IS BIG! Please understand I can hit the highlights here, but there’s no room to …

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How To Lose 3 Sales At A Time

I was having my BMW serviced for the first time, and while I waited, started talking to another customer. I assumed he’d bought there, and asked him about service. He said service was great. When I asked if he bought his car there, he said – “No, the price was higher than I thought it …

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Build your own Prospect Gold Mine

Happens every day: You spent time, didn’t make the sale and they left. You know the stats: 78% (8 of 10) came to buy, and that doesn’t change, just because they left. That means your hottest prospect for a quick & easy sale just drove away. Averages: 33% (3 out of 9) who leave will …

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