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“In 4 months, I’ve already made more than I did last year!”

“After reading your books, ‘How To Sell A Car’ and ‘How To Earn $100K’, I already earned more money this year than all of last year’s earnings.

Before selling cars I was a counselor working with troubled teens, met a lot of great people and really helped them, but I knew there was more for me.

I was lucky to be befriended by a manager at the dealership who hired me into sales and gave me your books which I read every waking minute, and I also listened to your Go To Work To Work in my car.

Like you said, I believed they were all buyers, I assumed the sale every time and I followed your new Basics to the tee, with every customer no exceptions. Once I mastered your greeting process, it was amazing how the walls came down and I got my customers to like me very quickly.

My first four months were 10-9-16 and then 21 for another best month ever and a new 90-day average (current average) of 14 units a month now!

I am having fun every day at work, my customers love me, selling cars is so much more than I ever imagined. Best of all, with the money I am earning now, I am looking forward to being able to sponsor a child from my previous employment.

Thanks Joe, for a NEW Plan that truly works to be a success!”

– Dallas Hockman, Salesperson, Maryland


Learning to set goals is so important in sales and our lives. Download Joe’s other book, “Get Everything You Want In Sales” today (it’s free) and learn how to control your own destiny.