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45+ Cars – During Pandemic

“I sold 45+ cars!”
(Even during the pandemic in April 2020)

“I wanted to touch base and let you know after one year of working in the industry, and one year from the Joe Verde class, I have had a record breaking month!

With the proper mindset and just focusing on work and not the world around falling apart, I have sold over 45 cars and averaging close to $500 per car before bonuses!

The Verde texts have been awesome during these stressful times and just the knowledge from the class has just helped me push through and make it an amazing month!

Every customer is getting closed so smoothly with the trial closes and I am able to hold gross in a time where everyone is looking for amazing deals. Just wanted to say thank you and I am glad I have been able to learn from you guys! I can’t wait for the next class!”

– Seamus McNally, Product Specialist, New Hampshire


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