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5 Cars in 4 Days!

I sold 5 cars the next 4 days after your workshop for our dealership!

“Joe, I have been selling for 3 years and averaging about 15 a month and I was so lucky that my dealership just had an in-house event with the Joe Verde Group.

I have been to many different sales trainings over the last couple years, and none was even a close second to the level of content in the training and the expertise, enthusiasm and passion that your trainer, Sean, has for the car business.

Before the class, I was starting to feel like I was in a little bit of a rut when it came to closing the sale but during the workshop, I learned quickly that I wasn’t in a rut – I just had never been shown the best way to handle the objections of today’s buyers when I was closing.

As soon as Sean rolled through CRIC wow – what an eye-opener! I knew right then that this was going to be a game changer for me. 

Joe, I practiced it during and after the workshop and sold 5 cars in the next 4 days. We are just getting started on JVTN® and having access to your training 24/7. Stay tuned, records will be broken!”

– David Stotts, Salesperson, Chevrolet, OH


Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s sales book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year” for a free PDF or to order a soft cover book.