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$80,000 so far…

“From 6-7 to 14.5 and on track to make $80,000 this year!”

“I work at Bob King Hyundai and have been training on JVTN® and growing since my first day in the car biz, a year next month! 

Without the training on JVTN® I have no clue where I would be today. If it wasn’t for Joe’s step-by-step processes and his practice and repeat wording, I would have no recipe, and no framework to follow. And I love the convenience of being able to study at work or home.

I was selling computer products before, but the potential to make over $100,000 in the car business made me jump into this business, and I know I can grow if I continue the habit of daily training. 

I started out at 6-7 units and now my 90-day rolling average is 14.5 per month. I made $30,000 in 6 months last year and this year I’m on track to make $80,000 with half a year to go!”

– Colby Purdue, Salesperson, NC


Learning to set goals is so important in sales and our lives. Download this book by Joe Verde, the leader in car sales training, “Get Everything You Want In Sales” today (it’s FREE) and learn how to control your own destiny.