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Asking Questions…

Ask Joe: Why is asking questions so important?

Because “Telling Isn’t Selling”
Pros don’t tell their way to a sale, they ask their way to the sale.

Everything in ‘selling a product’, depends on you asking the right questions. You need the right questions to…

• turn an incoming call or lead into an appointment,
• get an unsold customer back on the lot,
• make an appointment and confirm it properly,
• draw out the hot button information in your investigation on who it’s for, how they’ll use it, and why they’re getting it so that you can build value,
• keep the direction of the conversation on track and to pull it back on track when it starts to drift,
• involve each driver and decision maker based on their individual hot buttons,
• move away from price, trade, payments, leasing, etc. until you’ve sold the car, so you can build value,
• close the sale in each of the 4 closing steps,
• set up the negotiation so that it’s about fitting it into their budget, not about how cheap you can sell it,
• transition them correctly into finance, and then into service before they leave in their new vehicle.

Everything above and more depends on the questions you ask, not the volume of info you may be able to share.

Take the “Questions” course on my online training – JVTN®.


Most salespeople say, “I need more training”. If that’s you, when you’re ready to sell more cars, get & read my books and start learning more on JVTN® or in our sales workshops.
