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Best Month With 23.5 Units

“My best month…23.5 units.”

“I am on my 4th time through Joe’s ‘The Goal Setting for Salespeople‘ book so I don’t miss anything. I set a goal to sell 20 cars per month and figured I’d have to talk to 3 people per day and close 1 of the 3…I’ve had (2) Hat tricks already this month. I sold 4 cars per  day – 2 times (a Grand Slam) – and had my best month ever at 23.5 units. I’ve been training on JVTN®  and have also attended the Joe Verde Sales Class. The goal setting book showed me how much easier it is to grow my business with a plan. Thanks Joe!”

-Jerry Peppers, Salesperson,  Lynn Smith Chevrolet, Burleson, TX

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