Book + Newsletter + Workshop = Success!
“From 8 to 13 with your book and newsletter,
and then to 22.5 after your workshop.”
“Joe, thank you for your newsletter, your books and your ‘How To Sell a Car Today’ workshop.
I was an 8 car a month guy for the first 3 years of my sales career and then discovered your book, ‘Earn Over $100K Selling Cars Every Year’, I always had the desire but was never taught the basics. I started applying myself and sold 13 cars that month.
After attending your workshop in February, I sold 22.5 cars my second month back and have been top salesman 3 out of the next 4 months. I strive to deliver a minimum of 20 cars a month and know I will get there because I ‘Go To Work To Work’ and am on pace to earn $100K this year!
With every customer – I listen, I don’t talk price, I sell value, I follow up and sell, then I just do it over again with the next customer!”
– Kevin Shannon, Sales Professional, Paso Robles Ford, Paso Robles, CA
Get your copy now – download for free! Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s sales book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year.”