Build your own Prospect Gold Mine
Happens every day: You spent time, didn’t make the sale and they left. You know the stats: 78% (8 of 10) came to buy, and that doesn’t change, just because they left.
That means your hottest prospect for a quick & easy sale just drove away.
Averages: 33% (3 out of 9) who leave will come back with good follow up. When they return, 2 out of 3 (66%) will buy on the spot.
90% of the work has been done, so why don’t salespeople follow up?
Didn’t get their info. I looked at a new Defender. He didn’t ask my name or tell me his. I drove it, liked it, said I was interested, and asked him when more will come in – he didn’t know. Still didn’t ask my name, no card, and I left.
2. Salespeople assume the customer will come back. “Here’s my card, call me before you do anything, we’ll beat any deal in town…”
3. Salespeople wait too long to contact them. Assume you have minutes, not days, to get them back before they buy somewhere else.
4. Salespeople give up after a couple of attempts. Never give up, not even when they tell you they already bought. Why?
a. They’ll buy more cars.
b. Their salesperson won’t stay in touch.
Example: We didn’t have the truck a guy had to have. I didn’t make a sale, but I stayed in touch. My first call was, “Congrats, glad you found the right truck, etc.” Then I put them into my ‘hot prospect’ file.
In the next 90 days, I sold them & their referrals several vehicles, because I did what that salesperson wasn’t willing to do.
If you want to make $100K+ selling cars every year, you can.
You just have to do the work.
Learn to set goals in sales is so important…Download this free book by Joe Verde, the leader in car sales training, “Get Everything You Want In Sales” today and learn how to control your own destiny.