Category Archive For "appraise a trade"
Asking Questions…
Ask Joe: Why is asking questions so important? Because “Telling Isn’t Selling”Pros don’t tell their way to a sale, they ask their way to the sale. Everything in ‘selling a product’, depends on you asking the right questions. You need the right questions to… • turn an incoming call or lead into an appointment, • …
How To Lose The Sale On The Lot…
Talk Trade Value – Lose The Sale 94% Of The Time Talk Any Price Topic – Lose The Sale 96% Of The Time “What’s my trade worth?” … “What would my payments run on this?” Most customers will ask you both questions before they’ve even found a vehicle they’re ready to take home today. If …
Ask Joe
“When it’s time to promote a salesperson, what should we consider?” Most people consider all the wrong things about hiring or promoting someone to management: Can they work the desk? Can they appraise a trade? Can they manage the inventory? – etc. There is no question, those are all important parts of the job. But …