Category Archive For "automotive sales training"
How Does A Good Demo Help Me Sell More?
Other than all of the other steps to selling, the demonstration is the most important step. Yes, every step of the sale is important, but the demo has that one statistic that completely sets it apart from every other step of the New Basics™. No Demo – No Sale. You can mess up on just …
Automotive Salespeople Train To Earn Six Figures In Newest JVTN Course
Joe Verde aims to help automobile salespeople earn $100,000 plus by becoming professionals in sales. Joe Verde’s new course introduced on JVTN®, Joe Verde’s virtual sales training network for the automotive industry, explains the income potential in auto sales and their hottest income opportunities to become high achievers in sales. The new online course available …
Updated 5th Edition Of Joe Verde’s ‘Recovery & Growth’ Book Released At NADA
Since its publication in 2009, Joe Verde’s book for auto dealers and managers, “A Dealer’s Guide to Recovery And Growth In Today’s Market” has become one of the most-widely read books in the auto industry. Now on its 5th printing, with valuable updates, it has become a must-have resource for dealers and managers around the …
Joe Verde’s Digital Dealer Workshop To Focus On Increasing Sales
Orange County, CA. – Sept. 9, 2011 – Joe Verde will help Digital Dealer attendees uncover three quick and easy ways to increase business immediately with no new expenses during his workshop at the 11th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition October 5-7 in Las Vegas. The Conference will be held at The Mirage and Verde …
JVTN® Virtual Sales Training
Looking to raise your gross and profit? Sign up for JVTN®, Joe Verde’s online sales training for automotive dealerships. Daily training is the key to continuous growth and JVTN® makes automotive sales training easy.
Joe Verde’s Auto Sales Training Workshop
Sell a car in under two hours with high gross and great CSI. Attend Joe’s Verde’s 2-day “How To Sell A Car & Close The Sale Today” automotive sales training workshop and you’ll sell more cars, have more fun and make more money. Call 1-800-445-6217 to sign up today.
Joe Verde Automotive Sales Training Workshops
Increase gross and profit with one of Joe Verde’s six automotive sales training workshops held at locations across North America.
Joe Verde To Speak At Minority Automobile Dealers Annual Conference
In today’s market with the cost of gas and inventory shortages, car buyers are increasingly more cautious on the lot. Automotive sales training expert and author Joe Verde will address the reality of selling to today’s new buyer when he holds a special workshop at the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD) Annual Membership …
Joe Verde Offers 2 E-Books Free To UK Retail Automotive Pros
Legendary U.S. automotive sales training expert and author, Joe Verde, is making downloadable copies of his two latest books available for free to salespeople, managers and dealers in the United Kingdom via his website. • For dealers and managers: “A Dealer’s Guide To Recovery & Growth In Today’s Market”, which has served as a lifeline …
New JVTN® Virtual Role Play From Joe Verde Helps Salespeople Stay Off Price & Build Value
Subscribers to Joe Verde’s virtual sales training site now have unlimited access to a new Role Play Simulator that provides a fun and easy way for automotive salespeople to practice improving the gross on each vehicle sold. “Stay Off Price & Build Value” is Verde’s fourth role playing scenario on JVTN®, and it allows …
Joe Verde Begins Mobile Texting Campaign For Automotive Salespeople
Automotive salespeople now have the opportunity to receive sales information directly from the leader in automotive sales and management training, Joe Verde, via their mobile phones. Verde’s text message alerts will focus on The New Basics™ of selling to today’s customer with practical, ‘how-to’ steps to closing the deal and selling a vehicle now. “My …
Joe Verde Now Distributing Free Books To Australian Dealers
Verde is North America’s Top Auto Sales Trainer Legendary U.S. automotive sales training expert and author, Joe Verde, is now distributing to Australian dealers complimentary copies of his book that helped countless North American dealerships survive and grow inthe wake of the recession. When Verde wrote “A Dealer’s Guide To Recovery & Growth In Today’s …
Joe Verde Releases New Pocket-Sized Weekly Planning Guide
EZ-Guide To Help Salespeople Organize Their Day Orange County, CA. – March 24, 2011 – There is nothing more discouraging for most salespeople than working long hours, forgetting appointments and missing sales because of one simple reality: they struggle to organize and plan their daily activities. It is exactly for this reason Joe Verde created …
Joe Verde To Speak About ‘New Basics’ At 2011 Digital Dealer
Orange County, CA. – March 21, 2011 – Consumers have had to adapt to a rapidly changing market and car buyers in the nation’s showrooms are no exception. Automotive sales training expert and author Joe Verde will outline how to sell to this new buyer during his workshop at the 10th Digital Dealer Conference & …
Joe Verde Releases Version 10 Of His Virtual Sales Training Network – JVTN®
Orange County, CA – February 24, 2011 – Subscribers to Joe Verde’s virtual sales training site now have access to Version 10 of JVTN®, featuring an upgraded and totally redesigned “Training Center”. The JVTN® Version 10 is a break-away design with new features and functions to provide users with quick-and-easy access to 15 system …