“How To Sell More Cars” DVD Package Available For Pre-Order

Joe Verde’s New ‘Core 4’ Selling Skills DVD Package Includes the 4 Most Important Courses on How to Sell Cars Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced the new Joe Verde ‘Core 4’ Selling Skills DVD Package, which includes the 4 most important courses on how to sell cars, is now available for pre-order. …

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Facts About Buying & Selling

Which stats are most important? That’s a big question because there are about 100 ‘most important’ facts about the different areas that affect sales. Stats on customers, selling, closing, negotiation, follow up, calls & leads, and facts on prospecting, unsold follow up, retention and more. Here are the most important when it comes to making …

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How To Go From 13 Units to 20 or 25

The one sentence answer … Learn to sell one more unit each month. A year from now, you’ll be at 25 cars a month. ————— Three things keep most people from selling more and earning more… Skills – Habits – Attitude You’ve probably heard about what happens to so many of the million dollar lottery …

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Making $149,000 With JVTN.com

“My pay soared to $149,000!” “Joe, since I started in the car business, 9 years ago, I invested in myself and my career by getting your VSA®. I have been growing steadily over the past 4 years, utilizing your JVTN® online training and focusing on your New Basics (8 steps). After mastering the New Basics, …

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Turn Info Into Skills

A few years ago, I wanted to play golf. I bought clubs and videos on how to do everything from drive to putt. I watched every video and learned what I needed to do to become a good golfer. Quick question on that – how many skills did I develop watching those videos? Right – …

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The Tools To Grow

“From 10 to 16 after JVTN® and your class.” “I have been in the car business for over 25 years – before your sales workshop I was averaging 10 cars per month and my commission was about $350 per unit. I have been training on JVTN® for the past 3 months and I have to …

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Using The Best Greeting

When I started selling cars again (the right way), one of the toughest things for me to do was to stop saying, “Can I help you?” The other was getting ‘welcome’ into my greeting. It was hard for me, because I thought customers would think that ‘welcome’ was kinda corny. In real life, it turned …

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Getting ‘Lucky’ With Sales

Want to get lucky and earn more this month? Just do what a lot of 20-30-40 car pros do: • Look, Act, Sound and Think like a pro this month! • Leave problems, stinky little attitudes and everything but selling at the curb and just go to work to sell a car. • Work your …

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Need Some ‘Sales Insurance’?

When you live off the floor traffic, what happens if the weather or business goes south? Exactly, if you rely on floor traffic, you better take some classes now on how to stretch a paycheck, because you’ll need to know at some point. The key to success is to always have a pipeline filled with …

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From New to $100K A Year!

“From ‘New Guy’ to $9,500 a month!” “I’ve been in the car business for 1 year and was lucky to get in at a dealership that offered your training through JVTN®. I have been training daily since I started and have been increasing my units and gross on a regular basis. You taught me to treat …

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5 Objections Handled Joe’s Way

He handled 5 objections Joe’s way & closed the sale! “I have been in sales and management for over 20 years and I have been training on JVTN® since Feb 2014.  I train daily, 30 minutes on my own, and we do group training with our team about 2 times per week. My part of the process …

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Body Language

When you’re trying to get an agreement from your customer, slowly start nodding your head up and down as you’re talking to them about a feature or benefit. It’s easy, practice this now… Smile, nod your head and say out loud, “Won’t this be fun on those trips to the mountains?” Practice it again as …

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Do You Know Who Is Your Hottest Prospect?

Average salespeople only deliver 10%. If they log just 2 people per day (50 total) it’s 20%. Regardless of how many you log, divide your deliveries by that number and your closing ratio will probably be 20% or less. Ex: 12 deliveries ÷ 60 ups = 20%. You can easily sell more by developing better …

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Went From 3 – 6 – 9 To 19

“From 3 to 6 to 9 to 19 units – thank you so much!” “I have been in car sales a little over a year, and have trained on JVTN® since day 1. By training daily I keep increasing my knowledge and skills as I keep developing into a sales professional. I went from selling 3 to 6 to …

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From 8 to 15 – New Goal Set at 20

“From 8 to 15 units – New goal: 20” “I have been in the car business 7 months. I started out with an 8-car month, thought I was great, got a little cocky dropped to 3. We got JVTN® online training at the dealership and using it helped me understand the step-by-step process of selling cars …

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How To Improve Your Sales Right Away!

I’d been playing golf for a few years, but no matter how long I played, the hardest concept I had to buy into and the hardest habit I had to break to hit the ball farther is that I should swing easier, not harder. Swinging the club was an aerobic workout most of the time. …

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Went From $60,000 To $100,000+ With Joe Verde

“From $60,000 after my first class to $100,000 plus this year.” “I have only sold cars for a little over 3 years and this was my 4th Joe Verde Workshop.  My first year in this business I made a little over $60,000 following the Verde process. Last year, I made around $78,000, but this year things …

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Goal Setting At Sales Class Helped Make His Dreams Come True…

Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced that learning the basics of goal setting at a Joe Verde training seminar, helped Sales/Finance Manager Chad Tanasiychuk of Edmonton, Alberta, step away from the brink of failure, achieve his dreams; become highly successful in the car business; and attain financial stability and wealth. “Chad is …

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