Sales are up after class!

From 12 a month to 19.5 after your class! “I had been working in Service for 4 years, before I started selling cars. I sold cars for 5 months, and really enjoyed it – and I just got back from the Joe Verde Sales Workshop. Before I went to the class, I was averaging about 12 …

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Off to the right start!

My 2nd month in the car business, and I sold 18, with your training. “I was new to the car business when I attended your How To Sell A Car Today workshop, and they were my best 2 days ever! After that, I started taking your training online. We train as a group with our …

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Going to double his best month!

With JVTN® I’m on track to double my best month! “I’ve learned more in the last 45 days with JVTN® online training, than in the last 17 years from all the training I’ve had in the car business. I had been a sales manager at another store and had used other trainings, but never found …

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SHAC Applied Skills

“We train daily on JVTN®. Your 8 step process has been the key to take me from averaging 20 to 32.6 now.” Ameer, Medina Auto Mall, OH “From 13 units to 23 from working on your 8 steps, focusing on closing and handling objections.” Addison Winch, Romeo Toyota, NY “I worked in fast food before …

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A Few Things To Understand About Today’s Market

About Today’s Market… A lot of buyers and salespeople have retreated to a bunker and are trying to hide from the storm. We’re all faced with higher prices, and yesterday here in South Orange County, I paid $6.99 for gas. Buyers are cautious about everything they buy now, and that means cars, too. So if …

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“I made $17,355 in July!”

“Our store started the Joe Verde Online Training in May 2023, and after a couple of months of really diving into your training, I had the best month I have ever had. I killed it! I made $17,355 – and was #1 for sales for July by 4.5 units over #2. I really got into …

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Customer Satisfaction

What does it take to make a customer happy with their purchase? The answer lies in what makes any of us feel good after we’ve spent a lot of money on something.We all want to feel like we got… A “Fair Price” is always determined by what customers pay in relation to the value you’ve …

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Went from $25K to $120K!

“I was earning $25,000, now I’m at $120,000!” “I went from working at a grocery store and going to college making $25K to $30K to making $120,000 my first full year in car sales.  When I got into the car business, I started out in the BDC, and transitioned to sales a year and a …

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It’s about the Journey, not the Destination

A lot of people feel that when they make $50K or even $100K or get a new car or house, they’ve arrived. They should feel great, but there’s no such thing as standing still in anything. You have to continually improve your skills, your sales & income, your health and everything else that’s important to …

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Selling Skills & Processes

It’s time to up your game and start selling cars this year! There’s been nothing normal about the car business these last few years, has there? Whether you were new to the car business during COVID or not, I’ve been pushing hard on you to get back to ‘selling’. The money was BIG these last …

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The Sales Process

Your goal is to sell, and the buyers goal is satisfaction. Buyers have a consistent process they follow, and the 8 steps in my selling process will guide them to an easy and satisfactory purchase. Do you have to follow the steps? Have you ever sold a car without giving people a demo? Of course. …

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Industry Raises $183,000+ To Support Canines To Help Veterans

Longtime Supporter & Renowned Trainer Joe Verde Donates $20,000 Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc. today announced that company president, Joe Verde, himself a U.S. Army veteran, continued his longtime support by donating $20,000 at the live auction that raised an all-time high $183,000+ for the Wounded Veterans Initiative of Canine Companions (CCI), a …

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“My best month ever at 19 units!”

“From 8 to 16.3 current average and my best month ever at 19 units!” “Wow! Joe, your sales workshop was just what I needed. The 2 days away from the dealership were jam packed with so many ways for me to get better now and to continue to improve. Before I attended, I was selling about 8 …

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Only Santa Drives A Sled

Most people have a trade-in, so I want to remind you to never knock a person’s trade. They trade them in because they don’t like them or because they have issues, or they just want a new car. But if you start knocking it, they’ll start defending it! We all want too much for our …

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From $70K to $180K

“From $70K to $180K with Joe’s training!” “I’ve been in the car business 8 years. Lucky for me, I’ve been at a great dealership that provides great training with JVTN® as well as your workshops.  I’ve attended 5 of your workshops so far, and am getting ready to go to my 6th. They are just awesome, and …

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“From $45,000 to $80,000 to $100,000!”

“I started selling cars 3 years ago in the middle of the pandemic, at a great dealership that believed in the value of great training – and if it wasn’t for your training, I would not have made it. From Day 1, I have trained daily on JVTN® learning your 8 Step Sales Process To …

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Wages for Waiting = $0

But how much you can earn in sales is unlimited! Write the question below on a few business cards, tape a note on the back of your phone or create reminders throughout the day so that you’re constantly reminded to “work” when you’re at work. “Am I doing the most productive thing possible right now?” …

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