Category Archive For "car sales training"
Your Opportunity Clocks…It’s always your choice
We surveyed 3,355 salespeople about their sales and workday. They averaged 8 to 10 sales a month, and were only working 2 to 3 hours of their shift. Waiting for the next walk-in isn’t working … it’s just wasting your opportunity to earn more money. So, when you’re ready to improve, tell your manager you …
Build your own Prospect Gold Mine
Happens every day: You spent time, didn’t make the sale and they left. You know the stats: 78% (8 of 10) came to buy, and that doesn’t change, just because they left. That means your hottest prospect for a quick & easy sale just drove away. Averages: 33% (3 out of 9) who leave will …
Learn More = Earn More!
Some say they don’t think they should have to read this, or go to class or use the courses on JVTN® they have access to. My only question to you is… Do you really NOT want to earn more? Most salespeople ignore that ‘earning more’ is the real question. They also ignore that their decision …
Last Chance To Make It Up…
In sales, months are a race, but record years and continuous growth are a marathon. Just 4 things control your income and continued success in sales. We call them S H A C. I include testimonials from salespeople to help others realize they can learn more and sell more. Once a salesperson learns more, “I …
Develop Skills to Avoid 2 Sales Killers
My biggest challenges with developing my skills started with taking everything I learned about selling pots and pans, real estate, insurance, etc., and reworking that into the specific words & phrases I’d need to use selling cars. Then came processes. Selling pots and pans or insurance going door to door, isn’t the same process you’d …
Sales are up after class!
From 12 a month to 19.5 after your class! “I had been working in Service for 4 years, before I started selling cars. I sold cars for 5 months, and really enjoyed it – and I just got back from the Joe Verde Sales Workshop. Before I went to the class, I was averaging about 12 …
Closing Momentum: how Pros build the sale, step by step
Unlike average salespeople who just tell customers what they know about the product, and then pop in a price close somewhere hoping for a bite – pros in sales methodically build the sale a step at a time,and one question at a time. When a pro is ready to close, their customer is ready to …
A response we hear about using Scripts again & again…
“You tell us to say ‘exactly’ what you’re saying and in the same order, but everybody is different, so I need to play it out as it goes.” True: Everyone is different. Some tall, some are not. Some are young, some are old. Some have lots of money, some have hardly any. How we all …
Turn Lost $ales Into More $$$ On Payday
Your goal is to get the people who didn’t buy from you back in for a second chance. And I have no idea who taught us to wait 3 days. Quick facts… You’ve done 80% of the work, and when you get that customer back on the lot, most of them will buy. 1. Get …
Two Truths To Sales Success…
Remember these two ‘truths’ to success in sales… Life is filled with choices… Selling cars will be the highest paying, easiest work you’ll ever do.… or …Selling cars will be the lowest paying, hardest job you’ll ever have! And you get to choose. There are two kinds of pain in life…Discipline … or … Regret …
How to respond when they buy somewhere else
If we didn’t have the right car, I pushed hard, lost sales and guaranteed they’d never see me again. Then I realized that even if I missed the sale, I still wanted the others they’d buy. So l learned to sell andbuild my fan base with calls and a one page monthly newsletter. Example: A …
You know what customers really want???
You know how frustrating it is, when you need help and you can’t get in touch with someone or can’t get them to return your calls? It’s even worse when you have an important question. Join the club, because that’s exactly how your customers feel, too. Every call from them is just as important to …
Watch out for tricks your mind & ego play…
Your mind, and especially your ego are not always your best friend. They want you to be perfect as-is, so they do their best to muddy the waters on anything new. It’s a mental tug of war. It’s tough to jump on board with ‘New’ things when you don’t understand how they could work. But …
From Not Making Enough Money To A Gold Mine…
Why are some salespeople afraid of learning more to sell more? After 5 years of bell to bell days, only selling 8 cars with not nearly enough money to pay the bills, when I thumbed through Zig Ziglar’s book, I saw a gold mine. I wasn’t afraid, I was excited. Here was the #1 salesperson …
Which is most important to make a sale – price or value?
Almost every salesperson is taught to focus on price, trade, down and the payments the customer is looking for when they’re out on the lot. Me, too, my first 5 years. We learned to do that from the other salespeople and from our managers. Everything was about price. We spent our time with customers trying …
The ‘slump’ is a growth killer…
“When I don’t do well, I find myself doing less, instead of more, to work my way out of a slump.” Instead of putting the spring back in their step and a smile on their face, most guarantee to fail again tomorrow, because of their attitude. Example: You started selling cars 12 months ago, climbed …
Sell More Cars, Have More Fun, Make More Money
“I never had so much fun helping people and getting paid for it at the same time.” “Selling cars was something I always wanted to do and just knew I would be good at it. I was working as a teaching assistant in the school system and I was so lucky to start at a …
What Will It Take To Hit $100,000 In ’24?
Most people have no idea! $100,000 a year should be the base you improve from, not your ‘hope to get lucky & hit one year’! So, the question I get a lot is, “Do I have to work in a high line store or in a better location?” Nope. Does it depend on if your …