Category Archive For "double your income"
Valuable Tips On Training Together That Bring Success
There aren’t any limits on what you can earn selling cars. It all depends on you! If you want to earn over $100,000 every year, just set a goal, learn more and make it happen. And as you sell more, reinvest your time and money to keep learning more. You can hit $100K by mastering …
Will you turn ‘pro’ without ever practicing?
Would a golfer become a pro if they just watched videos and never practiced? No way! I played golf with dozens of people who couldn’t hit anything they were hoping to. They’d spend a ton on the best equipment, pay hundreds to play on a beautiful course, leave frustrated, but wouldn’t spend $50 to pay …
Skills + Processes
There are a couple dozen different skills & processes to master in sales. And each of the 20+ courses on JVTN® is on developing a specific skill + the process for that topic. Example: “How To Sell A Car” includes closing for 75% of the objections you’ll get in most sales. “Advanced Closing” covers more. …
“Lucky for me…”
“Lucky for me that we started training on JVTN®.” “I had been in Service for 17 years and I loved working with the people, loved the product and the dealership but my dealer kept telling me I’d be great in sales, so 3 years ago I finally made the change. Lucky for me after averaging …
Gross is Up!
Dealers are telling us ‘gross is up’. Why? They say it’s because people don’t want to shop several dealerships with the COVID outbreak to buy a car, so they’ll pay more. But customers always felt that way and most of them would have paid more. The difference is, most salespeople don’t follow the basics, they …
Get Involved In Your Own Career!
Congrats To Jackson & Team! “We doubled our units and our gross is incredible!” “I was taught your process when I first got into the car business and now we take training chapters on JVTN® together every day. We discuss the subject, we practice, and salespeople follow your 8-step process 100%, bypass price and are …
Doubling Up!
“I doubled my sales and increased my gross.” “Joe, I have been selling cars only 4 months and was so lucky to get at a dealership that started using your training my 4th month. The first day we got JVTN® , my manager said you’re going to watch a minimum of one chapter per day …
Baby Steps…
If you’re at 8 units now, don’t worry about getting to 30 or taking giant leap in sales – just get to 9. If it takes you two months to average 9, that’s OK. If you’ll improve by just 1 unit every 2 months, you’ll average 14 units within 12 months and double your income. …
The $100K+ Club…
I made $109K my next year after Joe’s class. “My ongoing training with Joe began in 2013, when I returned from his 2 day Sales Workshop. Since then I’ve also implemented JVTN® as part of my daily routine and take 4 plus chapters a week. The Workshop taught me three valuable skills; • Building Rapport, • Staying …
Your Support Group May Be Holding You Back
Unfortunately, more than half of the people reading this are stuck… Because they weren’t paying attention to what was happening, they’re… stuck with an average attitude, stuck with poor work habits in sales, stuck with skills that don’t work, and all of that means they’re stuck at average or below in sales and income. Why? …
Doubled My Units, Tripled My Income
“After your workshop, I doubled my units and almost tripled my income.” “Before your Sales Class, I was pretty much just figuring out how to do this on my own and was averaging 10 a month and about $4,000 in commission. At the workshop I learned your New Basics sales process and knew I could follow those …
Ditch The Fear…
Somebody asked me a long time ago, “Aren’t you afraid you won’t make enough in commission some months?” My answer, “No way – not ever!” Why? Because it’s just math! If you average $7,500 per month from doing (x) # of activities, with (x) skills, and spend (x) time doing it, as long as you …
Meet Joe’s Training Team At NADA – Booth #1667C
NADA Attendees Get Joe Verde’s Books Free and can Visit Joe and his Training Team at Booth # 1667C Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced that Joe Verde and his training team will be in booth #1667C at the 2016 NADA Convention & Exposition in Las Vegas, NV, March 31-April 3, to answer …
‘If I Do Everything You Say, I Won’t See My Family…’
Actually – you’ve got the wrong guy because the opposite is true. I have never written, spoken or in any way suggested you need to put in double shifts to sell more cars. If you’ll do everything I talk about, you’ll spend a lot less time at work, you’ll earn more money for you and …
Making Dreams Become A Reality
“Thanks for making my dreams come true.” “Joe as you always say – your success in the car business is based on YOU and your selling skills, your work habits, your attitude, and your choice of customers (SHAC) . If it wasn’t for JVTN® online training, your trainers, and your incredible support staff, I wouldn’t …
Make Every Minute Count
It’s here, the end of one year and the beginning of a brand new one. Two things should be happening right now: 1. Put the pedal to the metal to make this your best year ever. You know how to hustle in an emergency, so treat every day like it’s an emergency – don’t rush …
What’s A Good Hourly Wage For Selling Cars?
I was making $20 an hour before I got into sales – what’s a good hourly wage to shoot for selling cars? When I sold cars the first time, my fifth year I was curious, too, and did the math to find my own hourly income. When I found out how much I was making, …
From $29,000 to $140,000 Annually – Selling The Joe Verde Way
“From $29,000 to $116,000 to $140,000 per year!” “Joe I have been in the car business for 5 years, we started on JVTN® 3 years ago and I have been dedicated to it from day #1. “Some of the things I learned were to stop pre-qualifying, to slow things down and just treat everyone as …