SHAC Applied Skills

“We train daily on JVTN®. Your 8 step process has been the key to take me from averaging 20 to 32.6 now.” Ameer, Medina Auto Mall, OH “From 13 units to 23 from working on your 8 steps, focusing on closing and handling objections.” Addison Winch, Romeo Toyota, NY “I worked in fast food before …

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Stop saying you can’t!

I keep trying to talk you into selling more, but first you have to believe that you can. The first step to selling more is to stop saying you can’t. A few questions… • Can an 8 car SP sell one more and hit 9? Seriously, of course! • How would they achieve that? A …

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Closing Sales & Handling Objections

Closing sales is so easy and so much fun – the only catch is that you have to learn and practice everything you’ll use, until you can use it all perfectly. As I was learning more, I studied all the time when I wasn’t with a customer, then I tried to apply it when I …

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Went from $25K to $120K!

“I was earning $25,000, now I’m at $120,000!” “I went from working at a grocery store and going to college making $25K to $30K to making $120,000 my first full year in car sales.  When I got into the car business, I started out in the BDC, and transitioned to sales a year and a …

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How Wade handled ‘price’ and held gross!

“Thank you, Joe! I have so much more confidence after attending your Closing & Negotiation Workshop! You just know when a customer is going to be tough, and it usually starts right after the greeting – when they bombard you with price related questions. I counted 4 times that I bypassed those, just so I …

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I read “Choices” by Shad Helmstetter. After just a few pages, I knew I wasn’t going to like it. The more I read, the more I really didn’t like it. I couldn’t stop, because as I read more, I was forced to realize that almost everything that happens is just the result of our choices. …

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‘Closing’ & ‘Objections’

Closing: Everything that moves the sale forward. And of course, getting that final TMO ‘total mental ownership’ commitment is closing. Objections: They’re just speed bumps! Some are easy, some are tough. Overcoming them is closing, too. I have 100 or so closes I’ve used. Some almost never, and about 10 were my ‘go to’ closes’ …

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Handling Objections in Today’s Market

How should salespeople handle the 3 most common objections from today’s buyer? Joe Verde Trainer, Sean Gardner, focused on handling objections in today’s interview with CBT News. “If we don’t have any tools in the toolbox to work through these objections, we’re going to miss a lot of sales we could be getting,” said Gardner. …

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Avoid more objections when you close!

Stop adding more objections & make closing the sale easier. How many times has a customer given you an objection like, “It’s too much,” and you made the mistake of thinking you’ll close it quick with, “Not a problem, we’ll make you the deal of the month.” Only to have them add another one… “We …

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Your hard work paid off!

“From 13 cars and $7,000 to selling 14-15 cars and $15,000.” “I’ve been selling for 1 year and just attended your Closing and Negotiation Workshop with several salespeople from my dealership. Wake up call – I never realized how just changing a few words can impact my entire sales process. We left that workshop energized …

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$7,000 to $15,000 a month!

“From selling 13 cars and making $7,000 to selling 14-15 cars and making $15,000.” “Joe, I have been selling cars for 1 year, and recently attended your Closing and Negotiation workshop with several salespeople from my dealership. WOW what a wake-up call – I never realized how just changing a few words can impact the entire sales process. …

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How To Work Fewer Hours And Sell More…

Who Could Pass This Up? So many people say, “Joe, if I did everything you talk about, I’d never have any time off with my family.” I’ve never said work longer. In fact, when you do what we teach, you’ll spend less time at work, earn more money, and have more quality time with your …

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50 ways you can improve!

Are you ready to make the big bucks? Here are 50 ways you can improve If you’re serious about selling more, have fun and rate yourself in each area from 0% to 100%. Then start improving YOU. (Careful on the 100%, nobody’s perfect.) The BasicsFirst Impressions (% Great) ____%Your Greeting (% Great) ____%Bypassing Price On …

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Another Dozen Skills You Need To Earn $100,000+

Learning how to sell with the Basics is critical, but here is a list of the other skills you need if your goal is to earn $100,000+ every year. Just check what you want to improve. Keep The Sale On Track If you don’t control the process, good luck, you’ll need it. Control isn’t negative, …

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From 9.5 to 17 units average!

“Joe – before your workshop I was doing OK and averaging about 9.5 per month. I knew there was more, but real success was always just around the corner for me. Price had always been an issue, and in class we were taught how to turn price objections into budget concerns – and it made …

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The Generation Gap…

What’s most important to…Baby Boomers, Gen X & Millennials? There’s a lot of commotion about the differences between these age groups. If you really listen to them though, they’re really almost the same when it comes to actually buying the vehicle. The biggest difference between these groups is understanding how they shop for a car, …

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How Serious Are They?

Ask Joe … “What do you do when a customer says they want to come in, but keep cancelling or missing their appointment? How do you know if they’re serious or not?” The next time you talk to them, ask, “Where are you now?” After they tell you, just say, “Hang on and I’ll be …

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What Would Happen If You Make Improving Your Priority?

The year is young. What can happen in 2016, if you make improving your priority? If you develop better selling skills… A great example from a veteran in sales… “I’ve been in the car business 26 years, and I’ve attended Joe’s Sales and Closing & Negotiating Workshops, and we have JVTN® in our dealership. Last …

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