Category Archive For "management classes"
Time makes the Biggest Difference between Making or Losing the Sale…
From Sean Gardner… Being time effective is one of the biggest differences between making or losing a sale and in creating your own customer base for the future. Losing a sale only takes minutes, plus too many salespeople assume the customer didn’t come to buy. Remember – your customers don’t know you and are cautious …
Increased by 300%
“We increased our net profit 300% from your training.” “We made a commitment to improving and since coming on board with The Joe Verde Group we have continually improved and moved the needle (charts) northeast (up). We sent all of the managers to your Team Leadership Workshop and to your Closing Workshop – and we …
At The Show With Joe…
Another great NADA Show in Las Vegas! Here at Joe Verde, we help dealers improve sales and increase their net profit through workshops and online training programs that develop high achievers in sales and management. Call us at (866) 850-3730 today to start improving your sales team overnight. Watch this video now!
Meet Joe’s Training Team At NADA – Booth #1667C
NADA Attendees Get Joe Verde’s Books Free and can Visit Joe and his Training Team at Booth # 1667C Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced that Joe Verde and his training team will be in booth #1667C at the 2016 NADA Convention & Exposition in Las Vegas, NV, March 31-April 3, to answer …
New Classes Added: Winter Workshops Series
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., (JVSMT) announced today the dates of its fourth quarter plus more training workshop series. Five separate workshops are being offered at various locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. How To Sell A Car & Close The Sale Today is an interactive two-day workshop. The class focus is on …
Make Team Work The Common Goal
Because teamwork is so critical to success for any dealership in today’s market, we talk about teamwork in all of our 2-Day Leadership / Management workshops. But what is teamwork, how do you define teamwork, and what does teamwork mean to you? Everybody helping each other Everybody trying to hit a goal Everybody cooperating In …
From 57 to 184 Units
“From 57 to 184 units a month!” “About a year ago while on vacation I brought Joe’s book ‘A Dealer’s Guide to Recovery and Growth’, I couldn’t wait to get back to work and learn more about Joe’s training. We have since attended Joe’s 2-Day Manager Workshop and implemented online training on JVTN®. Our dealership has …
Joe Verde Summer Workshop Series Announced
Joe Verde Sales and Management Training, Inc., today announced the dates of its summer training workshop series. Five separate auto sales training workshops are being offered at various locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. “Team Leadership” For Retail Sales Managers: How to Double Your Net Profit is a management education-focused workshop held over two days. … Debuts New Ad Cost Calculator For Dealerships
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced the release of their newest Online Calculator that enables auto dealers to quickly and easily determine their real cost per sale from advertising. Auto dealers are invited to visit: for this critical information. “Advertising is obviously important to doing business, but you have to know …
Upcoming Fall Season Workshop Series Announced
Joe Verde Sales and Management Training, Inc. today announced the dates of its fall training workshop series. Two separate workshops are being offered at various locations throughout the US and Canada. “A frequent comment from attendees after one of our workshops is, ‘I’m excited again. Now I remember why I got into the car business …
Sales Up For Local PA Dealership With Joe Verde Training
Joe Verde Sales and Management Training, Inc. today announced that it will be in Philadelphia, PA in August and September with two workshops. The first workshop, “Team Leadership” For Retail Sales Managers: How to Double Your Net Profit, for dealers and managers will be held August 8th and 9th, 2013. The second workshop, How to …
General Manager Wins Joe Verde Workshop Package
Training expert, Joe Verde announced that Patrick Sexton, General Manager at Legacy Ford Hyundai, was the winner of the sales and management training workshop package from Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc. at the drawing held at the Best Training Day Ever™ on Feb. 8 in Orlando, Fl. Verde spoke at the event, which …
What Is Teamwork?
Because teamwork is so critical to success for any dealership in today’s market, we talk about teamwork in all of our 2-Day Leadership / Management workshops. But what is teamwork, how do you define teamwork, and what does teamwork mean to you? • Everybody helping each other • Everybody trying to hit a goal • …
Ask Joe
“When it’s time to promote a salesperson, what should we consider?” Most people consider all the wrong things about hiring or promoting someone to management: Can they work the desk? Can they appraise a trade? Can they manage the inventory? – etc. There is no question, those are all important parts of the job. But …