Category Archive For "mobile phones"
Why You Picked The Right Profession…
A career guide in sales to earn the big bucks in life! Pay attention… What can you do about it? Based on these stats, I’d recommend the following… (Note: ‘Waiting’ isn’t ‘Working’!) *********** How serious are you about wanting to earn more money? I’m not talking about ‘wishing’ … do you want to sell more …
How you’ve been selling cars will need an update, as ‘back to normal’ is kicking in again. Why start now? Because the ‘back to normal’ changes started months ago. So if you haven’t put on your realistic glasses instead of the rose colored ‘I’m not concerned, everything will work out’ glasses, then fasten your seatbelt. …
Setting Goals Means Doing ‘Better’ & That Means ‘Different’
More Success Requires A Trade… Everybody says they want more. With clear goals, they could easily have it. The problem is almost always about the ‘trades’ they’ll have to make that stop them. Two examples… Your Goal: Get more appointments and more people asking for you every month, so you can sell more and earn …
What’s Your Most Critical Selling Tool?
The telephone is the single most important tool you have in sales to help you sell more today and in the future. Sell Today … Use it correctly on incoming sales calls and unsold follow up to put more people on the lot today – asking for you. Sell Tomorrow … Use the phone today …
Being Productive
“Am I doing the most productive thing possible right now?” Write this question down on a few business cards and put this note to yourself everywhere – so you’re constantly reminded to “work” when you’re at work. Put a card on your dashboard, on your telephone at work, in your pocket so you’re reminded every …
Play The Odds
After a purchase, have you ever been unable to talk to, or get the salesperson to return your calls? Isn’t it more frustrating when you have a question or problem and need a response now? Join the club. That’s exactly how your customers feel, too. Every call from them is just as important to them. …
Turn Your Incoming Sales Calls Into Appointments That Show
A new course offered on Joe Verde’s Training Network® (JVTN®) provides salespeople and managers in the automotive industry access to training on using the telephone more effectively to sell and build business in a dealership. This new online course, “Turning Incoming Sales Calls Into Appointments That Show” is the seventh course release this year by …
Joe Verde Begins Mobile Texting Campaign For Automotive Salespeople
Automotive salespeople now have the opportunity to receive sales information directly from the leader in automotive sales and management training, Joe Verde, via their mobile phones. Verde’s text message alerts will focus on The New Basics™ of selling to today’s customer with practical, ‘how-to’ steps to closing the deal and selling a vehicle now. “My …