Category Archive For "Monthly Planning Guide"
Turn Lost $ales Into More $$$ On Payday
Your goal is to get the people who didn’t buy from you back in for a second chance. And I have no idea who taught us to wait 3 days. Quick facts… You’ve done 80% of the work, and when you get that customer back on the lot, most of them will buy. 1. Get …
Stay in Control of daily activities & make more money!
Joe’s monthly planners keep me in control… “Last month I sold 13 units which was a tougher month, with all the events going on right now. I use Joe’s Monthly Planners, because they’re super easy, and very helpful to keep me on track every month. It really helps me maintain my contact with customers, track …
Always Head North East!
A picture is worth 1,000 words. Which chart is most like your sales & income this year? Charting your performance is the easiest, most fundamental tool you have for a ‘look’ at how you’re performing in any area. A chart is the “picture” of your performance, or lack of it. It’s simple – draw a …
Rate Yourself
To ‘Sell More’ and to stay more motivated, rate yourself so you know what you need to improve. If you use our Weekly Pocket Guide, on the guest info pages, either in ‘notes’ or in the margin rate yourself 1-10 in each of the 8 selling steps you took with that customer. Soon you’ll notice …
Staying at #1
18 units/month & #1 “I’m proud to say I have been the top salesman at my dealership for the last several years. My success in sales is so simple; I just follow Joe’s steps of selling and growth which never fail and have resulted in my business being solely repeats and referrals. I go the …
5 Steps To More Success
Keep it simple – here’s how to keep you enthusiastic and positive about your career in sales… #1 – Continually improve your skills. How? Make the decision to learn more about selling every day through JVTN®, in our workshops, with my books, these articles, or on our blog. #2 – Set clear goals. You need …
How long does it take to change a habit?
We’ve all heard, “It takes 21 days to change a habit.” Then I read it takes 28 days, and then I realized that when you’re trying to break a bad habit and replace it with a good habit, you better give it 60 or 90 days instead. If you’ll commit to doing just 3 things …
Being Productive
“Am I doing the most productive thing possible right now?” Write this question down on a few business cards and put this note to yourself everywhere – so you’re constantly reminded to “work” when you’re at work. Put a card on your dashboard, on your telephone at work, in your pocket so you’re reminded every …
Have A Great Holiday!
We’re at the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, so you need to do two things right now: 1. You should be putting the pedal to the metal to make 2012 a record year. If you miss your goal in 2012, it won’t be because no one shows up this …
How can I plan my day so I can be more productive at work?
There is always so much to do, how do I plan my day so I can be more productive? This is actually a very important question because having a productive day, especially in sales is a combination of…• Planning your day• Prioritizing your activities• Taking action on your plan• Avoiding distractions• Having an effective process…and …
Joe Verde Releases New Pocket-Sized Weekly Planning Guide
EZ-Guide To Help Salespeople Organize Their Day Orange County, CA. – March 24, 2011 – There is nothing more discouraging for most salespeople than working long hours, forgetting appointments and missing sales because of one simple reality: they struggle to organize and plan their daily activities. It is exactly for this reason Joe Verde created …