Category Archive For "motivation"
45+ Cars – During Pandemic
“I sold 45+ cars!”(Even during the pandemic in April 2020) “I wanted to touch base and let you know after one year of working in the industry, and one year from the Joe Verde class, I have had a record breaking month! With the proper mindset and just focusing on work and not the world …
Kick off your Success…
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford This is a famous common sense statement from Henry Ford, and it’s so true: How we think always affects what we do, and how well we do it. From what I didn’t learn about selling at my first dealership, I not …
All About Self Confidence
People have always asked me… How do you handle being on straight commission in sales?” They couldn’t imagine having to create an income every month with no guaranteed paycheck. It never bothered me because I knew my current average in units and income each month. That means, as long as I kept doing all of …
My First $20,000 Month Selling Cars
“From selling food door-to-door, to my first $20,000 month selling cars!” “I have been at my dealership for just over 6 months, and I feel blessed to be in the car business. Previously I sold meat, chicken and fish door-to-door for 15 years, and although it was a difficult sale, I developed a strong work …
Joe Verde Sends Thousands of Free Books to Australian Auto Dealers
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., (JVSMT) announced that it is supporting Australian auto dealers during a slowing economy with the free distribution of more than 3,600 copies of Joe Verde’s books to all of the approximately 1,800 dealers across the country, including: “A Dealer’s Guide to Recovery & Growth in Today’s Market,” and …
Winners Never Quit
Albert Einstein got low scores in arithmetic, Winston Churchill got poor grades in English, and both ended up being two of the greatest men in history. When I say don’t give up, I’m not talking about just quitting, I’m talking about mentally throwing in the towel, because you missed a sale or because you asked …
Sean Gardner To Speak At VIADA Dealer Day
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc., announced their senior automotive trainer, Sean Gardner, will be a featured presenter at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville for the Virginia Independent Auto Dealers Association (VIADA) Dealer Day, on Tuesday, April 28, 2015. Gardner’s session, “Sales Training – Not Just for New Car Dealerships,” will provide attendees …
Make Every Minute Count
It’s here, the end of one year and the beginning of a brand new one. Two things should be happening right now: 1. Put the pedal to the metal to make this your best year ever. You know how to hustle in an emergency, so treat every day like it’s an emergency – don’t rush …
Ask Joe
“How do I make my salespeople ‘want’ to work?” Sales management is the art of getting your salespeople to do their job better, and getting them to want to do it successfully. The key word is successfully. You can make people come to work, you can make them talk to prospects, and make them follow-up, …