Experience vs. Skills & Attitude

About experience in sales… 1. If all it took was experience to get better at selling and closing, and if I look back at my time in sales, other than the COVID bonanza on income the last few years, if I haven’t been continually improving my skills, it’s on me…not our inventory, market, etc. ❑ …

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Avoid more objections when you close!

Stop adding more objections & make closing the sale easier. How many times has a customer given you an objection like, “It’s too much,” and you made the mistake of thinking you’ll close it quick with, “Not a problem, we’ll make you the deal of the month.” Only to have them add another one… “We …

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Asking Questions…

Ask Joe: Why is asking questions so important? Because “Telling Isn’t Selling”Pros don’t tell their way to a sale, they ask their way to the sale. Everything in ‘selling a product’, depends on you asking the right questions. You need the right questions to… • turn an incoming call or lead into an appointment, • …

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How to get from the 8 Car Rut to 20…

As the 8 car guy my first 5 years, I would have immediately laughed this off and started explaining why you can’t. My response would have included the same things we hear from salespeople today who were never trained, or worse, were trained on the same sales prevention skills and techniques I learned my first …

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Describing Features

Features don’t add value by default. Unless you sell the benefit, they just add to the price. Another common problem that goes along with knowing all of the product stats is being able to explain what they mean, and then tying it in to how each of those features relates to each customer’s specific wants …

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Rate ‘You’ On ‘Price’

How much of your time with a customer focuses on price? 1. a. On the lot…Do you pre-qualify, asking what they want to pay, want for their trade, down & monthly payment and then determine whether you think they could buy? b. Or do you find out what they want to buy, who it’s for, …

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How Important Is Price?

Ask Joe: “Should we focus on what people want & need a vehicle for or on what they have to pay?” Of course, in the car business, price comes up with every customer – it has to because they have to pay for the vehicle. When it’s handled correctly though, price is actually one of …

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From 9.5 to 17 units average!

“Joe – before your workshop I was doing OK and averaging about 9.5 per month. I knew there was more, but real success was always just around the corner for me. Price had always been an issue, and in class we were taught how to turn price objections into budget concerns – and it made …

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The Generation Gap…

What’s most important to…Baby Boomers, Gen X & Millennials? There’s a lot of commotion about the differences between these age groups. If you really listen to them though, they’re really almost the same when it comes to actually buying the vehicle. The biggest difference between these groups is understanding how they shop for a car, …

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Apply What You Learn In Class…

“If I could go back 20 years to apply what I learned in Joe’s class…” “I have been in car sales over 20 years and if I could go back 20 years with what I learned at Joe Verde’s ‘How To Sell A Car Today’ Workshop, I would be retired now with more money than …

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JV Trainer Sean Gardner Will Speak At NADA

Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., (JVSMT) today announced that their trainer, Sean Gardner, has been selected to present a workshop, “Turn Millennial Price Shoppers into Loyal Customers,” at the annual NADA Convention in New Orleans, LA, January 26-29. Commenting on his workshop, Gardner stated, “There are 80 million-plus millennials in the U.S. They’re …

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Develop Your Skills Faster

You’re reading this, taking courses on JVTN® and attending our classes to learn more, so let’s look at how to turn knowledge into skills faster. Nothing helps you learn faster than practicing. So find a partner and practice together at least 20 minutes a day. Rule: No tough customers. You aren’t trying to trip each …

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Facts About Buying & Selling

Which stats are most important? That’s a big question because there are about 100 ‘most important’ facts about the different areas that affect sales. Stats on customers, selling, closing, negotiation, follow up, calls & leads, and facts on prospecting, unsold follow up, retention and more. Here are the most important when it comes to making …

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Went from 7 units to 18 a month!

I went from 7 units to 18 a month! “Joe, I have been in automotive sales for the past 10 months. The first 3 months I was figuring things out on my own. The 4th month I attended your Sales Workshop and BAM!  What was a great job, became a great career. I was averaging about …

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Processes vs. Skills – What’s The Difference?

Processes … A process is made up of the steps you take to complete something, whether it’s building a house, selling a car, or prospecting out in service. Common processes you need in sales… How to warm up the prospect – how to build value in owning the vehicle – how to close the sale …

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CRIC Beats “ITIO” Again & Again

“I’ll think it over and get back to you” – is one of the easiest objections to close on. Instead of dropping the price or carding them, first, you need to Clarify what they mean … “Bob, help me out here for a second before you leave … what is it you want to think …

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Follow Up For 6-10 More Sales This Month

Before we talk about how to follow up your working prospects, let’s review what’s happened so far… • 86% buy something other than what they said they wanted – and you did have a vehicle in stock they liked. • You spent from 20 minutes to a couple of hours and went through some or …

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How To Improve Your Sales Right Away!

I’d been playing golf for a few years, but no matter how long I played, the hardest concept I had to buy into and the hardest habit I had to break to hit the ball farther is that I should swing easier, not harder. Swinging the club was an aerobic workout most of the time. …

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