To Grow – Build Your Repeat & Referral Business

How do you maintain relationships with friends you don’t see but every few years? You stay in touch by phone, text or email. How do you make future sales to the customer who just bought from you? You stay in touch by phone, text or email. You can’t control the number of leads you get …

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Customer Satisfaction

What does it take to make a customer happy with their purchase? The answer lies in what makes any of us feel good after we’ve spent a lot of money on something.We all want to feel like we got… A “Fair Price” is always determined by what customers pay in relation to the value you’ve …

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Closing & Negotiating…

How salespeople miss sales that could have easily become deliveries Your Opportunity To Deliver More Units We know 78% (8 out of 10) of the people on your lot came to buy. We also know that 86% are flexible and buy a different color, equipment or vehicle than they said they wanted. I will agree, …

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Sean Gardner Talks Closing On CBT News

Joe Verde trainer, Sean Gardner, was featured on the morning broadcast for CBT News to explain how to give customers a world-class experience when they buy a vehicle, virtually or in person. The extensive interview talks about the top three ways to simplify closing, and selling how customers want to buy, including: Avoid pre-qualifying the …

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Be A Pro – Look, Act, Sound & Think Like One

You have 11 more months this year and if you want to improve and break records, just do what other 20-30 car salesperson do: • Ditch ‘average’, and Look, Act, Sound and Think like a pro in sales this year! • Leave your problems and everything else that’s going on in life at the curb …

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50 ways you can improve!

Are you ready to make the big bucks? Here are 50 ways you can improve If you’re serious about selling more, have fun and rate yourself in each area from 0% to 100%. Then start improving YOU. (Careful on the 100%, nobody’s perfect.) The BasicsFirst Impressions (% Great) ____%Your Greeting (% Great) ____%Bypassing Price On …

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He’s Averaging 15-16 units a month

“I’m already averaging 15-16 from training on JVTN®.” “I have only been selling cars for about 7 months, but so far it’s going much better than I expected and the JVTN® training has been extremely helpful to me. In our dealership we do individual training, then meet as a group every week to review the courses. We …

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Preparation is everything in sales, so you want to start every opportunity with the end in mind, because the negotiation is where you bring it all together and get the final agreement to buy. The more shortcuts you take, the less likely you are to end up with a delivery. What do you want to …

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Help Them Buy!

Buying is an emotional process and often an ‘impulse’. That’s why your enthusiasm is critical from the greeting throughout your selling and closing process. You can help build their emotions even more in your presentation, but only if you know their emotional hot buttons which you find in a thorough rapport and investigation process. Then …

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Balance Your Enthusiasm…

Control your enthusiasm and you’ll control your career in sales. Selling is a combination of enthusiasm (attitude), skills, work habits, choice of customers and product knowledge. Enthusiasm is primarily determined by your success, your peers, and your job satisfaction. Success in selling is directly connected to… Your Skills … Knowing how to quickly build rapport, …

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The Santa Guarantee…

You’re down to the wire, and if you want to go out with a bang, just do the things 20-30 car guys do: • Look, Act, Sound and Think like a pro in sales this month! • Leave problems and everything other than selling at the curb, and just go to work to sell a …

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Hat-trick on first day!

My first day back, I got a hat trick…” “I am brand new to the car business. Previously I was a bartender and my people skills with building rapport are second to none, so that part was really easy for me, the tough part was what to do next. After attending your ‘How To Sell …

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Make It Happen This Month

Want to sell more and earn more this month? Then do everything on this list! Look, act, sound and think like a pro! Leave all your problems at the curb right now, and go to work to sell some cars. WORK your full shift. Don’t stand around waiting for something to happen, just ‘work’. Read …

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Facts About Buying & Selling

Which stats are most important? That’s a big question because there are about 100 ‘most important’ facts about the different areas that affect sales. Stats on customers, selling, closing, negotiation, follow up, calls & leads, and facts on prospecting, unsold follow up, retention and more. Here are the most important when it comes to making …

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Follow Up For 6-10 More Sales This Month

Before we talk about how to follow up your working prospects, let’s review what’s happened so far… • 86% buy something other than what they said they wanted – and you did have a vehicle in stock they liked. • You spent from 20 minutes to a couple of hours and went through some or …

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