Category Archive For "sales blog"
Imagine a different future and bigger paycheck
If you want to sell & earn more, imagine what you could learn in our 3 sales classes! There’s so much to learn about “selling” that we have 3 completely different 2-Day Workshops: ‘How To Sell A Car’ … on core selling skills and the sales process to double your average production now ‘Advanced Closing …
Be Persistent And Sell More
All things are difficult before they are easy.” Einstein got low scores in math, Churchill got poor grades in English, and both became two of the greatest men in history. When I say don’t give up, I’m not talking about just quitting – I’m talking about mentally throwing in the towel, because you missed a …
They Came To Buy – Make Sure It’s With You…
Ask Joe … How tough should it be to sell someone a vehicle they came to buy? I agree, sometimes it’s way tougher than it should be. Some people don’t want buying to be easy, some people have been burned so bad in the past that you can’t change it, and sometimes there’s nothing you …
“What Can I Earn?”
You’ll earn what you’re worth. I said that the other day and a guy said, “That’s a cop-out answer.” Not really, if you’re working on commission, or even if you’re on a salary of some kind, there’s always that volume or gross bonus. Whether you’re in management, sales, service, BDC or any other department; when …
How Serious Are They?
Ask Joe … “What do you do when a customer says they want to come in, but keep cancelling or missing their appointment? How do you know if they’re serious or not?” The next time you talk to them, ask, “Where are you now?” After they tell you, just say, “Hang on and I’ll be …
After JVTN – Sold 9 Cars In 2 Weeks
My first 2 weeks I sold 9 cars. “I have years of sales experience, but never sold cars before, so I was happy when they set me up with a login for Joe Verde’s online training. I focused of the ‘CORE 4’ fundamental courses for two weeks before going on the floor. What helped me most, …
Meet Joe’s Training Team At NADA – Booth #1667C
NADA Attendees Get Joe Verde’s Books Free and can Visit Joe and his Training Team at Booth # 1667C Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced that Joe Verde and his training team will be in booth #1667C at the 2016 NADA Convention & Exposition in Las Vegas, NV, March 31-April 3, to answer …
Joe’s New Book ‘Top 7’ Now Available As ‘Interactive’ PDF Version
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced that Joe Verde’s book: “Top 7 Revenue & Profit Sources in Your Dealership,” has been released as a new unique ‘interactive’ PDF version in a workbook format, so that dealers and managers can use it as an educational-style, hands-on guide; fill in their own numbers and immediately …
New Classes Added: Winter Workshops Series
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., (JVSMT) announced today the dates of its fourth quarter plus more training workshop series. Five separate workshops are being offered at various locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. How To Sell A Car & Close The Sale Today is an interactive two-day workshop. The class focus is on …
How A 3×5 Card Helped Me In Sales
I was doing a ‘stats’ video a few weeks ago and reminded everyone how critical it is to not just hear stats, but to internalize them. When I started selling cars the 2nd time, I wrote the stats we cover on different 3×5 cards and carried them with me for 30 days, so I could …
New Calculators Help Dealers, Managers & Salespeople
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., (JVSMT) announced today that with the release of Verde’s newest book, “Top 7 Revenue & Profit Sources In Your Dealership”, the company is also releasing 7 new “Profit Potential” calculators on its company website to help auto dealers analyze their potential to grow and improve their net profit …
Being Good vs. Getting Better
I’m always surprised when I ask salespeople: “What did you do to prepare for your 4 or 5 opportunities to make $1,000 today?” Yep, the answer is usually ‘nothing’. I can’t understand why a salesperson would tell their kids to practice for a soccer game on Saturday, but then not practice for their own big …
I Tripled My Income
“I tripled my income and I love my job!” “Joe – I was at my last job for 12 years and was in need of a change. I always loved the car business and started selling cars at the dealership where I’d bought all of my cars. I have been training on JVTN® since I …
‘If I Do Everything You Say, I Won’t See My Family…’
Actually – you’ve got the wrong guy because the opposite is true. I have never written, spoken or in any way suggested you need to put in double shifts to sell more cars. If you’ll do everything I talk about, you’ll spend a lot less time at work, you’ll earn more money for you and …
From 130 Units to 239
“From 130 units @ $2,700 to 239 @ $4,100 with Joe’s training.” “I started as a salesman at Cass Burch with no experience in the car business and came to Joe Verde training before I did anything else. My third month I became salesman of the month and then salesman of the year. Cass Burch was …
On Track For 200 Units!
“Before your class, I sold 88 units in a year, and now I’m on track for almost 200!” “I recently returned from your Sales Workshop and all I can say is WOW, what an eye opener! I sold 88 cars and averaged about 7.5 units per month. In your class, I learned the importance of slowing down the sale, being …
Processes vs. Skills – What’s The Difference?
Processes … A process is made up of the steps you take to complete something, whether it’s building a house, selling a car, or prospecting out in service. Common processes you need in sales… How to warm up the prospect – how to build value in owning the vehicle – how to close the sale …
After 30 Years – How Joe’s Training Made The Difference
“After 30 years … from 9 units a month to 29 units from your workshop and JVTN®.” “My manager is a true Joe Verde disciple, and at our store it’s the Verde way or no way. Having been in sales as long as I’ve been, it was a tough transition – but boy was it worth it! …