Closing Momentum: how Pros build the sale, step by step

Unlike average salespeople who just tell customers what they know about the product, and then pop in a price close somewhere hoping for a bite – pros in sales methodically build the sale a step at a time,and one question at a time. When a pro is ready to close, their customer is ready to …

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Turn Lost $ales Into More $$$ On Payday

Your goal is to get the people who didn’t buy from you back in for a second chance. And I have no idea who taught us to wait 3 days. Quick facts… You’ve done 80% of the work, and when you get that customer back on the lot, most of them will buy. 1. Get …

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Hypnosis: Is it real or just another trick?

When I was turning pro, I was at a party that had a hypnosis performer. And he had this guy’s feet on one chair and his head on another one, and he was stiff as a board. So I bought this book; ‘Hypnosis and Behavior Modification’ to see if hypnosis was legit or not. I’d …

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Selling at the Pro Level

Selling at a professional level is… An 8 Step Process,Not A Casual ConversationWith A Closing Question. You won’t earn $100,000+ with a casual, “Hey – need any help?”, asking a few pre-qualifying questions and skipping steps along the way. Ask yourself these questions for a great example of the difference between the casual approach, versus …

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Delivered 21.5 in 3rd month of selling!

With JVTN®, I delivered 21.5 my 3rd month and earned over $10,000. “Joe, I can’t say enough about how your training on JVTN® and your team have helped me in my new career.   Before selling cars, I was working at a fast food job. Using JVTN® to learn how to sell, I delivered 21.5 …

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Put On Your Very Best Happy Face

It’s the holidays, so greet them with a smile – be positive. And remember it’s just as important every day the rest of the year, too. Smile – Or Get A Different Job! When people have to spend $30,000 to $50,000 for a car, their fear is making a bad decision. No customer wants to …

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Your “Words” Control Your Success

Most salespeople say they hate scripts, because ‘they sound phony’ or ‘don’t work’ or some other reason to justify not learning new things that are more effective. If that’s you – surprise… Everything you say now is scripted. Understand that your scripts are your ‘skills’ and your skills control your success. If you’re selling 8 …

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Sean Gardner Talks Closing On CBT News

Joe Verde trainer, Sean Gardner, was featured on the morning broadcast for CBT News to explain how to give customers a world-class experience when they buy a vehicle, virtually or in person. The extensive interview talks about the top three ways to simplify closing, and selling how customers want to buy, including: Avoid pre-qualifying the …

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“Lucky for me…”

“Lucky for me that we started training on JVTN®.” “I had been in Service for 17 years and I loved working with the people, loved the product and the dealership but my dealer kept telling me I’d be great in sales, so 3 years ago I finally made the change. Lucky for me after averaging …

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Gross is Up!

Dealers are telling us ‘gross is up’. Why? They say it’s because people don’t want to shop several dealerships with the COVID outbreak to buy a car, so they’ll pay more. But customers always felt that way and most of them would have paid more. The difference is, most salespeople don’t follow the basics, they …

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Your hard work paid off!

“From 13 cars and $7,000 to selling 14-15 cars and $15,000.” “I’ve been selling for 1 year and just attended your Closing and Negotiation Workshop with several salespeople from my dealership. Wake up call – I never realized how just changing a few words can impact my entire sales process. We left that workshop energized …

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Be careful who you listen to this year…

Every day, you hear something that could affect your success in sales today and long term. Unfortunately, a lot of what most people hear is negative information that can hurt your career instead of helping you become more successful. Why? Easy, just circle the bullets below about who’s sharing their ideas with you on your …

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Making $100,000+ With Joe

From 5-6 a month to $100,000 a year after your books and your 3 Sales Workshops   “Joe – we haven’t met, but you’ve had a profound effect on my life and my career. I started off as a ‘great average salesperson’ selling 5-6 cars a month, but after going to all your Sales Workshops …

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The Santa Guarantee…

You’re down to the wire, and if you want to go out with a bang, just do the things 20-30 car guys do: • Look, Act, Sound and Think like a pro in sales this month! • Leave problems and everything other than selling at the curb, and just go to work to sell a …

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What Would Happen If You Make Improving Your Priority?

The year is young. What can happen in 2016, if you make improving your priority? If you develop better selling skills… A great example from a veteran in sales… “I’ve been in the car business 26 years, and I’ve attended Joe’s Sales and Closing & Negotiating Workshops, and we have JVTN® in our dealership. Last …

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Doubling Your Income After Reading Joe’s $100K Book!

“I’ve doubled my income.” “I read a chapter every day in Joe’s book, ‘Earn Over 100K Selling Cars Every Year’. One of his comments constantly sticks in my head. Joe says, ‘Do you want to go home every day feeling confident that you can take care of your family, or do you want to go …

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Went from 7 units to 18 a month!

I went from 7 units to 18 a month! “Joe, I have been in automotive sales for the past 10 months. The first 3 months I was figuring things out on my own. The 4th month I attended your Sales Workshop and BAM!  What was a great job, became a great career. I was averaging about …

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In The First 20 Seconds…

“Your first few seconds and your first few words will usually make or break the sale.” How can a sale that usually takes a couple hours be so affected by the first 20 seconds? That’s easy, a lot of critical things happen very quickly when you meet someone. The first few seconds… The prospect’s 1st …

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