Category Archive For "sales workshop"
5 Cars in 4 Days!
I sold 5 cars the next 4 days after your workshop for our dealership! “Joe, I have been selling for 3 years and averaging about 15 a month and I was so lucky that my dealership just had an in-house event with the Joe Verde Group. I have been to many different sales trainings over …
“I sold 45+ cars in April (2020)”
Congratulations Seamus! “I wanted to touch base and let you know after one year of working in the industry, and from going to the Joe Verde sales workshop, I have had another record breaking month! With the proper mindset and just focusing on work and not the world around me falling apart, in April I …
45+ Cars – During Pandemic
“I sold 45+ cars!”(Even during the pandemic in April 2020) “I wanted to touch base and let you know after one year of working in the industry, and one year from the Joe Verde class, I have had a record breaking month! With the proper mindset and just focusing on work and not the world …
Congratulations, Brandon!
“Even with the pandemic, I sold 22 units and was #1 in March after your sales workshop.” “I’ve been in the car business 2 years, and was already doing good averaging about 15 cars a month when the opportunity came up to attend your sales workshop. I knew what I would learn at your class …
Making $100,000 and Going Strong…
“I earn over $100,000 and train on JVTN® almost every day.” “I’ve been in the car business for 30 years and I have had access to JVTN® (Joe Verde online training) for the last 7 years at my dealership. Joe’s training and constant training on JVTN® is a religion at our dealership because no matter …
Is it goal setting – or is it magic?
Goal setting is the best kept secret in the world and it’s the closest thing there is to real magic. It’s simple, and it’s powerful. You figure out what you want, then write a very detailed plan on how you’ll get it, and then presto – if you just follow your plan, 94% of the …
Service to Sales…
“From ‘service’ to ‘sales’ with 200 units my first 8 months.” “Joe, I’ve been in the car business over 24 years and recently made the switch from service to sales. I knew a lot about cars, but selling them was a whole different process and I was lucky that my dealership subscribes to your online …
Goals Control Success
If you read my blog, you’ve probably remember me talking about how to grow from the bottom up. It’s really a very simple and logical process. Just keep improving your lowest months. That makes sense, but what about your highest months? More good news: by eliminating your bad months, you’ll also sell more on the …
Working “Bell to Bell”
Trade “Bell to Bell” For Better Selling Skills “I’m selling 30 units a month and on track for $100K.” “I attended your How To Sell Cars workshop and WOW, what a difference it’s made for me and my family! I’ve been selling cars for just under a year, and before your class I was selling …
Secrets to Success…
Ask Joe: “I want to make $100,000 every year – where do I start?” We get this question a lot in class and through our ‘Ask Joe’ emails. That’s why I wrote these 3 books… • “How To Sell A Car” • “Earn Over $100,000 Every Year Selling Cars”• “Goal Setting For Salespeople” ‘Sell’ is …
How you can improve your sales, income right away…
Great job Colby! “From 6-7 to 14.5 and on track to make $80,000 this year!” “Without the training on JVTN® I have no clue where I would be today. If it wasn’t for Joe’s step-by-step processes and his practice and repeat wording, I’d have no framework to follow. And I love being able to study …
Developing Your Skills
If you’re training on JVTN® or attending our sales workshops so you can sell more, let’s talk about how you can turn knowledge into skills. We retain… • 10% of what we read• 20% of what we hear• 30% of what we see• 70% of what we discuss w/others• 80% of what we experience So …
Gaining Knowledge vs. Developing Skills
I decided to play golf a few years ago, so I bought clubs and videos on everything from driving to putting. Then I watched every video on what I needed to do to become a good golfer. Quick question – how many skills did I develop watching those videos? Right – Zero. All I got …
“From 9 to 26.5 after your class.”
Congratulations Brett! “From 9 to 26.5 after your class.” “I was brand new 7 months ago, and didn’t realize how lucky I was when my managers said I’d be attending your Sales Workshop. Before your class, I was averaging about 9 and keeping pace with the rest of my dealership. I always wanted more sales, …
0 to 20 in 90 days!
Congratulations To Chris! “I was brand new when I attended your sales workshop and started training on JVTN® at the same time. I was lucky to choose a dealership that values training and has a management team that fully supports it. Since day one, I dove into the courses in your online training. I believed …
Increased by 300%
“We increased our net profit 300% from your training.” “We made a commitment to improving and since coming on board with The Joe Verde Group we have continually improved and moved the needle (charts) northeast (up). We sent all of the managers to your Team Leadership Workshop and to your Closing Workshop – and we …
How Important Is Price?
Ask Joe: “Should we focus on what people want & need a vehicle for or on what they have to pay?” Of course, in the car business, price comes up with every customer – it has to because they have to pay for the vehicle. When it’s handled correctly though, price is actually one of …
From 5th To #1…
From 5th in Sales to #1 in Sales at 23 units. “From the middle of the pack to 23 units a month. I have been selling for 2 years and have always been consistently in the middle of the pack for my dealership. When I left your How To Sell A Car Workshop, I was …