Category Archive For "sales workshop"
My Average Gross on the Front End is $3,000…
“I was in construction before I started at my dealership 3 years ago…” “My dealership is very pro training, and very pro Joe Verde. They send us to classes and we have JVTN® to keep learning more every day. I compare what I learn in Joe’s classes and online to having a set of blueprints …
Blurred Lines Between Selling & Closing
See what I mean about the blurred lines between selling and closing? Everything you do to bring a customer into the dealership; turning incoming calls into appointments, prospecting in service, and retaining your sold customers – moves the sale forward. Everything you do in Steps 1-4 of our 8-Step Basics, from your attitude, to your …
“From 7.5 average to 21 units.”
Joe, I am at 3 years in the car business and 1 year at my current store… I sell Audis and I love the product! Before your ‘How To Sell A Car Today’ Workshop, I was holding a 7.5 car average with my biggest month at 10.5. I was right in there with everyone else at …
Ask Joe: How can I make $15,000 more this year?
Joe, I want to increase my income by $15,000 this year. What’s my best plan and where do I focus?” You didn’t say how many units you sell now or how you’re doing, so let’s assume you meant $15k more in the next 7 months. The math is always first: $15,000 ÷ 7 months, means …
Hat-trick on first day!
My first day back, I got a hat trick…” “I am brand new to the car business. Previously I was a bartender and my people skills with building rapport are second to none, so that part was really easy for me, the tough part was what to do next. After attending your ‘How To Sell …
Ask Joe: Is selling cars worth my time?
Joe, you keep talking about the money you can make selling cars – well, that’s not happening for me. I was making $20 an hour back at my old job and my boss said I could get my job back. Why should I keep selling cars and just hope it will get better for me?” …
Quick Tip: Get Social!
You need to let people know who you are, what you do and where you work – and using social media is a great way to help you do that. Whether you send emails to your customer base, tweets to your fans, or you direct people to your page on Facebook or LinkedIn profile, do …
Book + Newsletter + Workshop = Success!
“From 8 to 13 with your book and newsletter, and then to 22.5 after your workshop.” “Joe, thank you for your newsletter, your books and your ‘How To Sell a Car Today’ workshop. I was an 8 car a month guy for the first 3 years of my sales career and then discovered your book, ‘Earn …
Quick Reminders on How To Sell More Every Month
Summer is here and people are out buying, so here are some quick reminders that make a difference every day in sales. They aren’t in any particular order, just highlight the ones you want to focus on. Then do a search on JVTN® and ‘like’ that chapter or course for easy review. Great Question: “Is …
Imagine a different future and bigger paycheck
If you want to sell & earn more, imagine what you could learn in our 3 sales classes! There’s so much to learn about “selling” that we have 3 completely different 2-Day Workshops: ‘How To Sell A Car’ … on core selling skills and the sales process to double your average production now ‘Advanced Closing …
Detailing Cars to $100K in Sales
“From detailing cars to $100,000 in sales.” “I started at my dealership 18 years ago and worked as a detailer for 10 years. I saw the potential in earnings in sales, but I was plain scared to try a commission based job. I wanted to be a better provider for my family though, so I …
Play The Odds
After a purchase, have you ever been unable to talk to, or get the salesperson to return your calls? Isn’t it more frustrating when you have a question or problem and need a response now? Join the club. That’s exactly how your customers feel, too. Every call from them is just as important to them. …
Commissions are up, on track to earn $100,000
“Joe, in just six months I’m on track to earn over $100,000 this year.” “I started selling cars just six months ago, and can’t express how incredible your training on JVTN® really is. I learned right from the start to trust in your New Basics to take the customer from a great greeting (without ever hearing …
I Didn’t Even Ask About The Price…
I bought 3 different vehicles last year. I looked at one new SUV and asked the salesperson about the tow package and camera. He read the sticker and said, “It has those and adds $xxx to the price, but don’t worry, we can easily save you a few thousand.” I didn’t ask about the price, …
They Came To Buy – Make Sure It’s With You…
Ask Joe … How tough should it be to sell someone a vehicle they came to buy? I agree, sometimes it’s way tougher than it should be. Some people don’t want buying to be easy, some people have been burned so bad in the past that you can’t change it, and sometimes there’s nothing you …
How Serious Are They?
Ask Joe … “What do you do when a customer says they want to come in, but keep cancelling or missing their appointment? How do you know if they’re serious or not?” The next time you talk to them, ask, “Where are you now?” After they tell you, just say, “Hang on and I’ll be …
What Would Happen If You Make Improving Your Priority?
The year is young. What can happen in 2016, if you make improving your priority? If you develop better selling skills… A great example from a veteran in sales… “I’ve been in the car business 26 years, and I’ve attended Joe’s Sales and Closing & Negotiating Workshops, and we have JVTN® in our dealership. Last …
Joe’s New Book ‘Top 7’ Now Available As ‘Interactive’ PDF Version
Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced that Joe Verde’s book: “Top 7 Revenue & Profit Sources in Your Dealership,” has been released as a new unique ‘interactive’ PDF version in a workbook format, so that dealers and managers can use it as an educational-style, hands-on guide; fill in their own numbers and immediately …