Category Archive For "salespeople"
How do I plan my day to be more productive?
This is one of the most important questions I get – because having a productive day, especially in sales, is a combination of lots of stuff… An effective day in sales ‘to grow’ is made up of critical activities… PLANNING IS BIG! Please understand I can hit the highlights here, but there’s no room to …
Build your own Prospect Gold Mine
Happens every day: You spent time, didn’t make the sale and they left. You know the stats: 78% (8 of 10) came to buy, and that doesn’t change, just because they left. That means your hottest prospect for a quick & easy sale just drove away. Averages: 33% (3 out of 9) who leave will …
Small Paycheck Or Big Paycheck?
After 50+ years of selling and training, I know most salespeople don’t realize how lucky they are to work for a dealer who provides them with training on how to sell more, because 80% do not offer training. Unfortunately, too many salespeople in our industry are taught less about selling than fast food workers are …
Learn More = Earn More!
Some say they don’t think they should have to read this, or go to class or use the courses on JVTN® they have access to. My only question to you is… Do you really NOT want to earn more? Most salespeople ignore that ‘earning more’ is the real question. They also ignore that their decision …
Closing Momentum: how Pros build the sale, step by step
Unlike average salespeople who just tell customers what they know about the product, and then pop in a price close somewhere hoping for a bite – pros in sales methodically build the sale a step at a time,and one question at a time. When a pro is ready to close, their customer is ready to …
‘Group think’ goes both ways…It can be good & bad
Bad is when the negative people who know almost nothing, try to convince you that everyone else is wrong and want to hold you back. Whether it’s about selling cars and your peers at work, or any other subject that goes against their ‘negative group’ beliefs, they do their very best to shout it down …
Will you turn ‘pro’ without ever practicing?
Would a golfer become a pro if they just watched videos and never practiced? No way! I played golf with dozens of people who couldn’t hit anything they were hoping to. They’d spend a ton on the best equipment, pay hundreds to play on a beautiful course, leave frustrated, but wouldn’t spend $50 to pay …
Which is most important to make a sale – price or value?
Almost every salesperson is taught to focus on price, trade, down and the payments the customer is looking for when they’re out on the lot. Me, too, my first 5 years. We learned to do that from the other salespeople and from our managers. Everything was about price. We spent our time with customers trying …
Takes more than Optimism to Hit your Goals
“I will sell 30 cars a month!” That is certainly optimistic, but… Optimism is just another word for highball. Hitting 30 takes goals, a plan, skills and discipline. Everybody says they want to sell more, earn more, build their customer base and more. The problem always boils down to the ‘trades’ you’ll have to make. …
Spot your dream and make a deadline!
Goals – Goals – Goals In January, we talked about goals; what they are, who sets them, and the rules to goal setting. All of that leads to even more questions to talk about. Your success depends on 4 key elements. These are the 4 secrets to success: your Skills, work Habits, Attitude, and the …
A Few Things To Understand About Today’s Market
About Today’s Market… A lot of buyers and salespeople have retreated to a bunker and are trying to hide from the storm. We’re all faced with higher prices, and yesterday here in South Orange County, I paid $6.99 for gas. Buyers are cautious about everything they buy now, and that means cars, too. So if …
Attitude Is Everything
Attitudes are your most important tool to sell more, especially now, while everything is going on. When you walk out with a spring in your step & a smile on your face to greet every customer, you just buried the last 3 salespeople they met down the street, and that’s before you even say anything. …
Stop saying you can’t!
I keep trying to talk you into selling more, but first you have to believe that you can. The first step to selling more is to stop saying you can’t. A few questions… • Can an 8 car SP sell one more and hit 9? Seriously, of course! • How would they achieve that? A …
Closing Sales & Handling Objections
Closing sales is so easy and so much fun – the only catch is that you have to learn and practice everything you’ll use, until you can use it all perfectly. As I was learning more, I studied all the time when I wasn’t with a customer, then I tried to apply it when I …
No Manual When I Needed It!
I hadn’t used my drone lately and needed it for a video of my property. It’s off grid with no internet connection, so I couldn’t get to the manual on how to link to the controller. I wish I’d downloaded it sooner, so I’d had it when I needed it. I did that today! Download …
It’s about the Journey, not the Destination
A lot of people feel that when they make $50K or even $100K or get a new car or house, they’ve arrived. They should feel great, but there’s no such thing as standing still in anything. You have to continually improve your skills, your sales & income, your health and everything else that’s important to …
Selling Skills & Processes
It’s time to up your game and start selling cars this year! There’s been nothing normal about the car business these last few years, has there? Whether you were new to the car business during COVID or not, I’ve been pushing hard on you to get back to ‘selling’. The money was BIG these last …
Crazy Question…
Seems like a crazy question, but do you actually want to make $100,000+ every year selling cars? With inventory shortages in the last 3 years, a lot of salespeople made $100K. It was easy when a vehicle finally came in and was guaranteed full price or higher. Most were bought – not sold. Yes, things …