Category Archive For "salesperson"
Last Chance To Make It Up…
In sales, months are a race, but record years and continuous growth are a marathon. Just 4 things control your income and continued success in sales. We call them S H A C. I include testimonials from salespeople to help others realize they can learn more and sell more. Once a salesperson learns more, “I …
30 cars a month!
My new 3-month unit average is 30 cars a month! “I graduated college with a criminal justice degree, and then I started selling cars at Fred Beans Ford, just over a year ago. We use Joe Verde for our training. Our store does group training 3 days a week with Joe’s online training (JVTN®), and …
Off to the right start!
My 2nd month in the car business, and I sold 18, with your training. “I was new to the car business when I attended your How To Sell A Car Today workshop, and they were my best 2 days ever! After that, I started taking your training online. We train as a group with our …
Thomas Boosted his Sales By 50%!
“My sales are up 50% after attending your Closing and Negotiating Workshop.” “Joe, I just wanted to say thanks! I attended your 2-day Closing and Negotiating Workshop, and it was jam packed with more ways to make more money! Your ‘budget focused’ negotiation process is the way to go, and when I got back, I really …
Average up 3 units & gross doubled!
“I doubled my gross and increased my average 3 units after your workshop!” “I’ve only been selling cars for 3 months, after being on the service side for 5 years. Your Sales Workshop was great, and I came back and worked on Joe’s 8 step sales process. It is so easy to follow with every …
Top Salesperson with 21 units!
“I was the top salesperson this month with 21 units!” “I had been selling cars for one year, and before attending your 2-day workshop, I was a solid 13 car guy. In my first month after your workshop, I sold 19, 17 the next month, and then I had my best month at 21, and …
From Not Making Enough Money To A Gold Mine…
Why are some salespeople afraid of learning more to sell more? After 5 years of bell to bell days, only selling 8 cars with not nearly enough money to pay the bills, when I thumbed through Zig Ziglar’s book, I saw a gold mine. I wasn’t afraid, I was excited. Here was the #1 salesperson …
Your Only Tools In Sales Are The Words You Use
Master techs can take care of any problem, and their toolbox is so full it requires a tow truck to move it. The lube guy, though, can fit most of their tools in their pocket. Both work hard every day, but only one has the skills and tools to handle any and every job that …
Stay in Control of daily activities & make more money!
Joe’s monthly planners keep me in control… “Last month I sold 13 units which was a tougher month, with all the events going on right now. I use Joe’s Monthly Planners, because they’re super easy, and very helpful to keep me on track every month. It really helps me maintain my contact with customers, track …
Sell More Cars, Have More Fun, Make More Money
“I never had so much fun helping people and getting paid for it at the same time.” “Selling cars was something I always wanted to do and just knew I would be good at it. I was working as a teaching assistant in the school system and I was so lucky to start at a …
Amateur vs. Pro
Whether you played amateur or professional sports, how many games would you win if you didn’t pay attention to the plays the coach was covering and didn’t practice any of them before the game… Would you win or lose? Experience kills growth, because people think, “I don’t need to learn more, I’ve been doing this …
Went from $25K to $120K!
“I was earning $25,000, now I’m at $120,000!” “I went from working at a grocery store and going to college making $25K to $30K to making $120,000 my first full year in car sales. When I got into the car business, I started out in the BDC, and transitioned to sales a year and a …
Experience vs. Skills & Attitude
About experience in sales… 1. If all it took was experience to get better at selling and closing, and if I look back at my time in sales, other than the COVID bonanza on income the last few years, if I haven’t been continually improving my skills, it’s on me…not our inventory, market, etc. ❑ …
Selling Skills & Processes
It’s time to up your game and start selling cars this year! There’s been nothing normal about the car business these last few years, has there? Whether you were new to the car business during COVID or not, I’ve been pushing hard on you to get back to ‘selling’. The money was BIG these last …
Skills + Processes
There are a couple dozen different skills & processes to master in sales. And each of the 20+ courses on JVTN® is on developing a specific skill + the process for that topic. Example: “How To Sell A Car” includes closing for 75% of the objections you’ll get in most sales. “Advanced Closing” covers more. …
Put On Your Very Best Happy Face
It’s the holidays, so greet them with a smile – be positive. And remember it’s just as important every day the rest of the year, too. Smile – Or Get A Different Job! When people have to spend $30,000 to $50,000 for a car, their fear is making a bad decision. No customer wants to …
“From $45,000 to $80,000 to $100,000!”
“I started selling cars 3 years ago in the middle of the pandemic, at a great dealership that believed in the value of great training – and if it wasn’t for your training, I would not have made it. From Day 1, I have trained daily on JVTN® learning your 8 Step Sales Process To …
Appreciate What You Have…
Before It Becomes What You Had! Isn’t it fun taking the negotiations out of the process? When you have the only vehicle in town they want, selling is so much easier. I’m hearing about BIG commissions. In class, we just heard about a $50,000+ month a Toyota salesperson had. That’s more money than I made …