“5 Quick Ways To Grow” – New eBook From Joe Verde

Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced the release of a new eBook titled “An Auto Dealer’s Guide to Five Quick Ways to Grow.” The eBook is one of the most popular excerpts from Joe Verde’s guidebook for auto dealers and managers; “A Dealer’s Guide To Recovery And Growth In Today’s Market.” The …

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Vehicle Delivery Addressed for JVTN® Online Training Course

Subscribers to JVTN®, Joe Verde’s virtual sales training network for the automotive industry, introduced a new specialized training course that focuses on having a more effective Delivery to help ensure customer retention and additional opportunities for customer referrals. “Too many salespeople think that once they’ve parked their customers in the Finance office their responsibility is …

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Ask ‘GOOD’ Questions!

Getting customers comfortable with you as quickly as possible is important because the sooner they feel comfortable, the closer you get to making the sale. That’s why building rapport is so important and why you have to learn how to ask good questions that cause people to open up and talk to you more. The …

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Tips On Using JVTN®

1) Spend 10 minutes a day to take a JVTN® chapter on improving your Sales. The more time you spend on your education in sales, the more cars you’ll sell. 2) Watch Videos Take Courses! Don’t focus on viewing time instead of skill development… We have courses on JVTN®, not videos. Each course is about …

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Focus On Them – Not The Sale

If you want to sell more, you’ll need to focus less on you and what you want – and instead, learn to focus more on your customers and what they want and need in a vehicle. Then for an easy sale, just show them how and why you, your product and your dealership are best …

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About Double Shifts

A math question… If you work both shifts every day and sell 10 cars a month, does that mean you’re a 10-car guy or a 5-car guy working two shifts? Working double shifts now and then to hit a bonus or finish off a great month is one thing. But working double shifts every day just …

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Salesperson Has Best Month Ever After Workshop

“From 10 to 19 and my best month ever!” “Before attending your 2 Day Sales Workshop my 90 day average was 10 units a month. After I came back I started using the proper greeting and following the Joe Verde process from start to finish with every customer. Last month I had my best month …

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JVTN® Helps Salesperson Close Deals

“It’s almost as if they closed themselves.” “Before training on JVTN® my average gross per unit was between $500 to $2,200. After watching over 100 chapters in the training seminar, I started slowing down and really focused on making friends, not closing the deal. The last customer I sold was looking at a $32,000 vehicle …

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Ask Joe

“How does having my own customer base protect me in a down market?”That’s a great question with a very logical answer.No matter what the 6-car guy says, people really don’t like to shop. They’d much rather deal with a reliable salesperson they like and trust when they buy their next vehicle. In a good or …

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Ask Joe

“How can I improve my sales in the next 30 days?” If your dealership has tons of floor traffic, slow down and stop prequalifying everybody. Even the flaky people don’t like it, and the ones who can buy, will leave within minutes. Speed kills sales, so slow down with everyone so you can build value …

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Ask Joe

“Question: We want our managers to talk to every customer before they leave without buying. When is the best time to get managers involved?” “Make sure you ‘touch the desk’ before they walk.” Isn’t this just saying: ‘Torch the deal completely, then see if a manager can rebuild it from the ashes’? Maybe 1 out …

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