Valuable Tips On Training Together That Bring Success

There aren’t any limits on what you can earn selling cars. It all depends on you! If you want to earn over $100,000 every year, just set a goal, learn more and make it happen. And as you sell more, reinvest your time and money to keep learning more. You can hit $100K by mastering …

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Average up 3 units & gross doubled!

“I doubled my gross and increased my average 3 units after your workshop!” “I’ve only been selling cars for 3 months, after being on the service side for 5 years. Your Sales Workshop was great, and I came back and worked on Joe’s 8 step sales process. It is so easy to follow with every …

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“Being new, what should I focus on?”

We spend 2 full days in class, have 20 different 2-5+ hour courses on JVTN®, and I have a 400 page book to cover the answer to your question. Your success in sales depends on how serious you are about learning to sell, the right way. When people show up, even if they say ‘I …

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Spot your dream and make a deadline!

Goals – Goals – Goals In January, we talked about goals; what they are, who sets them, and the rules to goal setting. All of that leads to even more questions to talk about. Your success depends on 4 key elements. These are the 4 secrets to success: your Skills, work Habits, Attitude, and the …

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Delivered 21.5 in 3rd month of selling!

With JVTN®, I delivered 21.5 my 3rd month and earned over $10,000. “Joe, I can’t say enough about how your training on JVTN® and your team have helped me in my new career.   Before selling cars, I was working at a fast food job. Using JVTN® to learn how to sell, I delivered 21.5 …

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Experience vs. Skills & Attitude

About experience in sales… 1. If all it took was experience to get better at selling and closing, and if I look back at my time in sales, other than the COVID bonanza on income the last few years, if I haven’t been continually improving my skills, it’s on me…not our inventory, market, etc. ❑ …

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Summer is Definitely Here…

Dealers are getting dozens of new vehicles instead of hundreds, these days. I talked to one yesterday who was getting just over 100 and now only shows 30-35 coming in this month. To the rescue… Selling CPO & Used Cars It’s the same thing at every dealership I drive by. There are almost no new …

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What’s an hour of your time worth?

It takes a couple of hours to make a sale today, so if you average $600 a sale, that means you’ve made $300 an hour. Nice! What are the other hours worth – when you don’t have a customer and are just waiting for another walk-in or lead? ZERO $. That doesn’t have to be …

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Doubled Units, Tripled Gross

I more than doubled my units & tripled my gross with Joe’s training! “When I first started selling cars, my manager told me to just go talk to people and that I’d get the hang of it. I didn’t, so a year later I reached out to The Joe Verde Group and I started with …

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“What’s your #1 tip?”

Time to answer more of the “How can I…?” questions we get… “What’s your biggest #1 tip to help me sell more cars and make more money?” To succeed, you have to take charge of you. Fact: About 10% will buy no matter how bad you are, and 10% won’t buy no matter how good …

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Make at Least 4 More Easy Sales This Month

If you’re willing to follow this simple plan, you can easily pick up an extra sale a week. What’s the plan? It’s simple …“Just make a plan every day.” That’s it! Most salespeople go to work and ‘hope’. To sell more, change that to ‘go to work to work’ with a plan and then ‘do …

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My average is 23 & doubled my gross!

“Hello Joe, it’s  been  a little over a year and a half since my first improvements when I first started selling cars, and I just keep improving my units and gross profit. I would like to thank you and the entire Joe Verde team for creating an amazing training program on JVTN®. Because I developed …

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Challenges To Developing Skills

What keeps salespeople from developing the critical selling skills to earn $100,000+ per year, usually in less time at work than it takes them to earn $40,000 now? • Practice … If I covered batting lessons, next you’d hit the cage and keep swinging until you’re better, and you’d continue with daily practice to keep …

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Fall down, Get back up!

When you fall down, do you get back up? Think about when you miss a few sales in a row – do you give up and blame it on the market, the dealership, the customers, etc. or do you learn more, so you can sell more units in the future? ————— I’m sure glad this …

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