Category Archive For "selling"
Learn More = Earn More!
Some say they don’t think they should have to read this, or go to class or use the courses on JVTN® they have access to. My only question to you is… Do you really NOT want to earn more? Most salespeople ignore that ‘earning more’ is the real question. They also ignore that their decision …
Develop Skills to Avoid 2 Sales Killers
My biggest challenges with developing my skills started with taking everything I learned about selling pots and pans, real estate, insurance, etc., and reworking that into the specific words & phrases I’d need to use selling cars. Then came processes. Selling pots and pans or insurance going door to door, isn’t the same process you’d …
Valuable Tips On Training Together That Bring Success
There aren’t any limits on what you can earn selling cars. It all depends on you! If you want to earn over $100,000 every year, just set a goal, learn more and make it happen. And as you sell more, reinvest your time and money to keep learning more. You can hit $100K by mastering …
Are you pretending to be someone else?
So many of us spend our lives pretending that we’re someone else… I’m not talking about the ‘you’ that you present to others, I’m talking about the ‘you in your head’ that controls what you do, or don’t do. It took me close to 40 years to finally understand that I can be the person …
Will you turn ‘pro’ without ever practicing?
Would a golfer become a pro if they just watched videos and never practiced? No way! I played golf with dozens of people who couldn’t hit anything they were hoping to. They’d spend a ton on the best equipment, pay hundreds to play on a beautiful course, leave frustrated, but wouldn’t spend $50 to pay …
Sell More The Easy Way
Here’s a single rule that will help you become extremely successful in your career in sales. Zig Ziglar put your secret to success as plainly as I’ve ever heard it. His book, “See You At The Top,” starts out with the real secret to success on the very first page: “You can get everything in …
Top Salesperson with 21 units!
“I was the top salesperson this month with 21 units!” “I had been selling cars for one year, and before attending your 2-day workshop, I was a solid 13 car guy. In my first month after your workshop, I sold 19, 17 the next month, and then I had my best month at 21, and …
Do you use this to close the sale on price: “If I could, would you?”
I started selling at a very old school store; push hard, lowball some $ and get ‘em inside! We were all 8 car guys. The only sales training we got was working the deal. That was great, but we didn’t ‘sell the car’ first, we were just taught to sell the lowball ‘price’. I always …
Why You Picked The Right Profession…
A career guide in sales to earn the big bucks in life! Pay attention… What can you do about it? Based on these stats, I’d recommend the following… (Note: ‘Waiting’ isn’t ‘Working’!) *********** How serious are you about wanting to earn more money? I’m not talking about ‘wishing’ … do you want to sell more …
“Being new, what should I focus on?”
We spend 2 full days in class, have 20 different 2-5+ hour courses on JVTN®, and I have a 400 page book to cover the answer to your question. Your success in sales depends on how serious you are about learning to sell, the right way. When people show up, even if they say ‘I …
Your Only Tools In Sales Are The Words You Use
Master techs can take care of any problem, and their toolbox is so full it requires a tow truck to move it. The lube guy, though, can fit most of their tools in their pocket. Both work hard every day, but only one has the skills and tools to handle any and every job that …
Stay in Control of daily activities & make more money!
Joe’s monthly planners keep me in control… “Last month I sold 13 units which was a tougher month, with all the events going on right now. I use Joe’s Monthly Planners, because they’re super easy, and very helpful to keep me on track every month. It really helps me maintain my contact with customers, track …
A Few Things To Understand About Today’s Market
About Today’s Market… A lot of buyers and salespeople have retreated to a bunker and are trying to hide from the storm. We’re all faced with higher prices, and yesterday here in South Orange County, I paid $6.99 for gas. Buyers are cautious about everything they buy now, and that means cars, too. So if …
Attitude Is Everything
Attitudes are your most important tool to sell more, especially now, while everything is going on. When you walk out with a spring in your step & a smile on your face to greet every customer, you just buried the last 3 salespeople they met down the street, and that’s before you even say anything. …
Why settle for ‘just average’ when you have no limits?
There are people selling 40, 50, 60 and 80 units per month, and earning $100,000, $200,000, $300,000 and $500,000+ per year. So please toss those chains you’re wearing, and stop allowing yourself to get stuck in that 8 to 10 units, or less, and $40,000 to $60,000 a year rut. Those are just average units …
Stop saying you can’t!
I keep trying to talk you into selling more, but first you have to believe that you can. The first step to selling more is to stop saying you can’t. A few questions… • Can an 8 car SP sell one more and hit 9? Seriously, of course! • How would they achieve that? A …
Skipping the Demo…
About those good & bad habits! The more you do something, the stronger the habit will become. If you skip a demo today, it will be easier to skip one tomorrow. And most already have the habit and skip the demo 2 or 3 times every day. Problem: No Demo = No Sale People don’t …
No Manual When I Needed It!
I hadn’t used my drone lately and needed it for a video of my property. It’s off grid with no internet connection, so I couldn’t get to the manual on how to link to the controller. I wish I’d downloaded it sooner, so I’d had it when I needed it. I did that today! Download …