Category Archive For "train the trainer"
Increased by 300%
“We increased our net profit 300% from your training.” “We made a commitment to improving and since coming on board with The Joe Verde Group we have continually improved and moved the needle (charts) northeast (up). We sent all of the managers to your Team Leadership Workshop and to your Closing Workshop – and we …
Joe Verde Summer Workshop Series Announced
Joe Verde Sales and Management Training, Inc., today announced the dates of its summer training workshop series. Five separate auto sales training workshops are being offered at various locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. “Team Leadership” For Retail Sales Managers: How to Double Your Net Profit is a management education-focused workshop held over two days. …
General Manager Wins Joe Verde Workshop Package
Training expert, Joe Verde announced that Patrick Sexton, General Manager at Legacy Ford Hyundai, was the winner of the sales and management training workshop package from Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc. at the drawing held at the Best Training Day Ever™ on Feb. 8 in Orlando, Fl. Verde spoke at the event, which …
Hold Effective Training In Your Dealership
Deliver more sales with increased gross profit when you attend Joe Verde’s Train The Trainer Workshop and learn how to hold effective training meetings that are interesting and interactive.