Certified & Used
If you start your sale on a used car with, “What were you looking for?”, they’ll say, “An XYZ for around $X0,000.”
If you don’t have it or they don’t like it, it’s “Ok, I’ll check back.”
To sell more, instead of focusing on price first, find who it’s for, how they’ll use it and their ‘Hot Button’ features.
Respond with, “Great, let me show you something I think you’ll like.” Their 1st response falls back to XYZ … so agree, “I know and I wanted to show you this, because it has everything you want and more, and from what you’re looking for, I think you’ll really like it, so let’s take a couple minutes to check it out.”
Then follow my 8 steps, cover their ‘wants & needs’, turn price objections into budget concerns and head inside!
Learn to set goals in sales is so important…Download this ebook by Joe Verde, the leader in car sales training, “Get Everything You Want In Sales” today and learn how to control your own destiny.