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Common Mistakes That Cost You Sales

Mistakes in sports cost you goals, points and eventually the game.

Mistakes in sales cost you units, bonuses and commission each month.

In sports, when you recognize you’re doing something wrong, or that you could be doing better, the obvious solution is to practice, practice and practice some more.

The more you practice, the better you do, and the more games you win.

Sales is no different, and the great news is there are sooo many things you can easily improve in sales.

You’ll never run out of skills, work habits, and processes you can improve.

Yes, that’s great news, because every improvement you make in skills, work habits, and processes, will help you to continually improve your production.

• You can get better at setting appointments on incoming calls and put more people on the lot.
• You can learn how to convert more leads and turn them into prospects on the lot ready to buy a car.
• You can stop waiting for an ‘up’ and just get better at prospecting. Then work the service drive and the phones more effectively, and generate more of your own leads and sales.
• You can get better at getting everyone’s contact info before they leave when you don’t sell a car, learn to follow up more effectively, and put more of them back on the lot.

The list is endless on skills you can improve that will help you sell more.
Demos are one of the most critical areas of all.

You can turn calls into appointments that show, work the service drive and follow up everybody who doesn’t buy. In fact, you can be one of the best closers on the planet, but if you don’t put people behind the wheel, you will lose sales and income you could have had. So let’s talk about…

The Biggest Mistakes
Salespeople Make With Demos

You really don’t need more traffic to sell more units – you just need to do a better job with each customer you talk to. Hint: Assume every person on your lot may be the very last person you get a chance to deliver a vehicle to this month.

So this month, let’s focus on one of the most critical steps of the sale – the demonstration. And let’s look at a list of some of the most common mistakes salespeople make on demos that cost them sales and income.

Read each one, take a minute to think about how you really are doing on that specific point, and highlight each of the mistakes you want to improve.

Spend this month focusing on eliminating each of these mistakes and you’ll see a clear improvement in your sales and income.

For more info on demos, go through the “How To Sell A Car” course on JVTN® and make that your go-to training this month.


Get Joe Verde’s sales book, Get Everything You Want In Sales, now and put your career on the right track.