Congratulations, Brandon!
with the pandemic, I sold 22 units
and was #1 in March after your sales workshop.”
“I’ve been in the car business 2 years, and was already doing good averaging about 15 cars a month when the opportunity came up to attend your sales workshop.
I knew what I would learn at your class was exactly what I needed to get me to the next level.
Your New Basics 8 Step process solidified so many things I was already doing right and also showed me areas I could improve.
Before class, I hadn’t realized how much gross I was giving up early in the deal, so I went back after the workshop and really focused on bypassing price, so I could stay on track. I also readjusted my demo route, got my customers on a mental ownership cruise and I treated them all like VIPs.
March was my first full month back after the workshop and even with the pandemic, I was salesperson of the month with 22 units and I made the most gross ever and increased my commission $250 per car!
Thanks for an incredible workshop!”
Brandon Edmundson, Salesperson, Toyota
Brandon reinforced all of the things we’re talking about this month to get you back on track fast once states let us all get back to work.
So slow down and read this with the goal to adapt and adjust to our new normal for the next few months.
Get on JVTN® now!
Learning to set goals is so important in sales and our lives. Download this book by Joe Verde, the leader in car sales training, “Get Everything You Want In Sales” today (it’s FREE) and learn how to control your own destiny.