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Earning $138,000 From Joe Verde Online Training

“I finished the year at $138,000”

“Well Joe, JVTN® is like taking a multi-vitamin every day because it keeps my selling skills healthy! I am still averaging 20 cars a month and in December I finished at 23 units and my commissions were $13,000. In my first year of business, I have earned $138,000 and my goal for 2016 is to average 30 units a month and end the year at $200K!

I continue to focus and take the ‘Basics’ of selling and ‘building your business’ that you teach because it’s those core skills and work habits that make my goals attainable and the benefits are endless. Just yesterday, I sold to two customers that I previously sold 4 months ago because I visited them while they were in the Service Department.

Now I’m also a member of the Toyota Pros and my CSI score is over 95%. I sold 178 new cars and 50 used for 2015! I am proud to say that due to my solid and steady income my wife and I are in the process of buying our first home!

Joe, my actions are making my dreams come true because your steps to the sale work!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!”

– Duane Arthur, Sales Consultant, High Country Toyota, Scottsboro, AL