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Five Reasons To Attend Joe’s NADA Workshop

Grow you dealership when you partner with Joe Verde…Here are five critical ‘take-aways’ from attending Joe’s 2011 workshop:

1 – Achieve Continuous Sales Growth.
To grow, instead of just having a good month now and then, dealers have to understand the difference between delivering more units through advertising (an event) and continuous growth in sales (a process).

2 – Guarantee Continuous Growth Year After Year.
To continuously grow, dealers have to develop their business, rather than just buying more traffic with advertising. To do that, you have to learn how to drive more traffic into your dealership, sell to more of the people who do show up on your lot, and retain your sold customers forever.
3 – Drive More Traffic Into Your Dealership Every Day.
When you learn how to, and then implement and manage best practices and processes to drive more Web traffic, inbound sales call prospects, service customers and other dealership customers onto your lot each month, you’ll deliver more units.
4 – Deliver More Units And Maximize Gross Profit.
When you implement and then manage common sense best practices in both sales and sales management, you’ll deliver more units to the people who are on your lot – which will lower your cost per sale.
5 – Increase Retention With Today’s Buyer.
Today’s buyer has new and different motivations when it comes to becoming a ‘loyal customer’ in your dealership. When you implement retention best practices in every department that focus on today’s buyer, retention goes up, deliveries increase, costs drop and profits skyrocket.
Learn more about NADA 2011.