From Not Making Enough Money To A Gold Mine…
Why are some salespeople afraid of learning more to sell more?
After 5 years of bell to bell days, only selling 8 cars with not nearly enough money to pay the bills, when I thumbed through Zig Ziglar’s book, I saw a gold mine.
I wasn’t afraid, I was excited. Here was the #1 salesperson of 3,000 in his company, who had all the directions for me to sell more.
When you read a lot of the testimonials, there are some huge sales in the first 90 days after class, from new & experienced salespeople, like these…
“I went from 20 to 32.”
“I sold 21 my first full month!”
“I went from 9 to 23 in 3 months.”
…and it isn’t from just being pumped, it’s from developing skills.
Ego, Fear & Peer Pressure Are Key Destroyers Of Growth
So many salespeople tell us in and after classes that they had been afraid to try to learn more because it might not work for them and maybe they’d fail. Then we lie to ourselves to try to defend what we do, or in this case, what we don’t do.
And those lies we tell ourselves compound, because we use the lie to justify so many things. Like when we told the kids at Christmas that we did our best, but blah blah is why I couldn’t sell more and get you that e-bike you really wanted.
Fear – Ego – Peer Pressure
When we lie to protect our ego, we start to believe those ‘excuses’ to explain away our performance. When challenged, ego pushes harder and makes a real mess of our sales & income and our lives.
Use the Ben Franklin Close to clarify your stance. The catch; you have to be honest (nobody will know unless you tell them).
On the left side of a page, write “Why” and list all the reasons to do something. On the other side, “Why Not” and write those out, too.
Then just review your list of positives and negatives and go with whichever makes sense.
Peer Pressure is the biggee.
We’ve all been fighting it since kindergarten, trying to stay in the ‘club’.
When I got back in sales, I worked every minute of my shift. Friends I’d gone camping with would want to talk about nothing. I also read a book, “How To Say No”, so I explained I had work to do.
The first few times, no big deal. Soon it became, “So Mr. Hot Shot, now you’re too good for us?”
I know you can handle ego and fear, because of what you gain from the benefits.
The hardest for most is the peer pressure. Your challenge with all three is to decide whether you’re going to become a pro or just another average Joe in sales.
If you don’t want to improve, OK. But just stop making excuses.
Learn to set goals in sales is so important…Download this ebook by Joe Verde, the leader in car sales training, “Get Everything You Want In Sales” today and learn how to control your own destiny.