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Goal Setting At Sales Class Helped Make His Dreams Come True…

Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., today announced that learning the basics of goal setting at a Joe Verde training seminar, helped Sales/Finance Manager Chad Tanasiychuk of Edmonton, Alberta, step away from the brink of failure, achieve his dreams; become highly successful in the car business; and attain financial stability and wealth.

“Chad is a great success story that truly illustrates the value of training,” said Joe Verde, president of Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc. “In a typical 100-unit per month dealership – $1,000,000 dollars in gross profit walks onto the lot every month, and from a lack of training for managers and salespeople, $750,000 dollars walks back off the lot to buy down the street. Dealers spend a lot to get a prospect on the lot and don’t spend much to train their managers and salespeople to control what happens once they’re there.”

Growing up with no fondness for a traditional education, at age 16, Chad Tanasiychuk left school, got a hard labor job, was barely surviving and borrowing money from his family in order to get by.  At age 24, while working a summer job erecting Quonset tents, a storm blew in with 30 mph winds. The winds caused the structure, which weighed almost 50,000 pounds, to fall onto Chad. It almost crushed him to death and left him severely injured. “With my back blown out, my dreams and aspirations to own my own concrete finishing business were ended. My family suggested I try the car business. In December 2004, I got my first job at a domestic store in Edmonton, Alberta, and have never looked back,” said Chad.

Still struggling financially, Chad worked at the dealership for a couple of years, and was beginning to pay off his huge debts and get his life back on track. Then in 2006, as a struggling car salesperson, his dealership sent him to a training seminar put on by Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc. One day of the training was focused on goal setting. In Chad’s own words, “That one day in Joe’s class changed my life forever. The information in class about goal setting completely woke me up. This is the point where everything changed for me. We were told to write down our goals, and with those goals take the realistic ones and attach a 1; somewhat realistic goals and attach a 2; and unrealistic goals and attach a 3.”

“I took all of my debt and wrote it down with a date to have everything paid in full. I wrote down that I would become a sales manager within a year, which I achieved. That I would be married by the time I was 30, which I was.  That I would own a $500,000 house by the time I was 35 (I now own it at the age of just 33.) The goal setting in the Verde training transformed my life; all the realistic goals were crossed off in a matter of one year. Even some of the most unrealistic goals came to fruition. Just this week, seven years after setting the goal, I along with my beautiful wife and family of seven children just took possession of our new 3,000 square foot home. We paid $545,000 for the house which has a market value of almost $750,000. This was listed as one of my unrealistic goals. To achieve it so quickly is the most surreal feeling one can ever have. And to think it all started in Joe’s class with simply writing my goal down on a piece of paper and saying it out loud.” 

According to Joe Verde, goal setting is the best kept secret in the world and it’s the closest thing to real magic there could be, “It’s simple and it’s powerful. You figure out what you want, then write a very detailed plan on how you’ll get it, and then presto – if you just follow your plan, 94 percent of the time you get whatever you wanted,” Verde stated.

Over the past seven years Chad has held several sales management positions. He also served for a couple of years as a finance manager, to learn about the finance side of the business. He currently works with his wife, Krystle, who is also a finance manager. He is based at a satellite location in Alberta. However, six months ago, they piloted a new approach. The dealership felt business was lost by customers having to travel 5-10 minutes to the main dealership location for the finance office. Chad now serves as both the Finance Manager and Sales Manager, which has proven to be an extremely successful approach.

One of Chad’s top best practice tips is to never stop learning. He constantly studies and reads training books daily. Looking to the future, Chad is not losing sight of one key goal he marked as being rather unrealistic almost seven years ago. He is determined to become a General Manager/Dealer principle by the age of 40. He is well on track for this goal, and will no doubt achieve this dream in short order.

Joe Verde Sales & Management Training Inc. is well known for helping auto dealerships throughout North America dramatically increase their sales. From complete workshop, online and in-house training programs; to materials on Leadership, Sales Management, Professional Selling, Closing and Negotiation; Joe Verde Group coaches sales and management teams to greater success, increased sales and profits, year after year.  Joe Verde’s virtual training on JVTN® features dozens of training courses for salespeople, managers, finance, and service, plus hundreds of chapters on almost any situation a salesperson will encounter in sales. The company introduces new online courses regularly to help dealers, managers and salespeople sell more units, at higher profits, in today’s changing market.

To request a free demonstration, visit: or call (800) 445-6217. For information about Joe Verde workshops and training products, visit the Web at

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