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Going From 6 to 14 Units

“After your workshop I went from selling 6 to 14 units.”

“I was brand new to the car business before attending your How To Sell A Car workshop. We also have JVTN® at the dealership that I was training on prior to attending the workshop, which gave me a foundation to build upon. After the workshop I really saw the big picture in automotive sales and how to become successful.

After class I got out of the huddle, and focused on Going to Work to Work as I was developing my skills on staying off price. The #1 change I made was to believe the statistics from the workshop, particularly that 80% of the sales are made after the 5th closing attempt. I now understood I need to keep swinging the bat to close and not give up. After the workshop, I went from selling 6 units to 14 units and my previously non-existent gross is now yielding me a nice paycheck. Joe, thanks for providing a clear and easy to follow path to success.”

 -Dan, Salesperson, Nissan, OH 

Start your year off right and get Joe’s book now and put your career on right track at