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Going to double his best month!

With JVTN® I’m on track to double my best month!

“I’ve learned more in the last 45 days with JVTN® online training, than in the last 17 years from all the training I’ve had in the car business.

I had been a sales manager at another store and had used other trainings, but never found them to be very helpful.

With Joe Verde’s easy to follow selling process, I am keeping the customers more engaged with questions, I have been able to make more sales with fewer to no objections when closing, I am using the CRIC, and Joe’s action closes, and they work so well, I can’t believe it.

I’m in my 3rd month, it’s just the 10th, I have 10 out already, and I’m on track to double my best month.

Thank you, Joe, for the great training and support!”

Darnell Griffin, Salesperson, Omaha, Nebraska