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‘Group think’ goes both ways…It can be good & bad

Bad is when the negative people who know almost nothing, try to convince you that everyone else is wrong and want to hold you back.

Whether it’s about selling cars and your peers at work, or any other subject that goes against their ‘negative group’ beliefs, they do their very best to shout it down and shred everyone who doesn’t
agree with them.

You know who they are, and if you allow them to, they’ll try to kill your chances of success, so treat them like the plague and stay away.


Good ‘group think’ is awesome, because you’re hanging with other people who want to improve, too!

Napoleon Hill was a superstar in business and created a ‘Master Mind Group’. It was made up of people who wanted to work together to solve problems and grow.

Hill was a statistics guy and found that when you put 5 people of average intelligence together to solve problems and make improvements, their results are equal to genius level solutions.

Tip: Create your own Master Mind Group. You can order my Sales Newsletter, and you have my free books to download.

Just get with a few other salespeople who want to improve, create your own Master Mind Group and work together to increase sales.

I guarantee you will sell more, earn more, enjoy your job more, and spend less time doing it!


Sell more cars with Joe Verde’s sales book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year” for a free PDF or to order a free soft cover book.