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How can I plan my day so I can be more productive at work?

There is always so much to do, how do I plan my day so I can be more productive?

This is actually a very important question because having a productive day, especially in sales is a combination of…
• Planning your day
• Prioritizing your activities
• Taking action on your plan
• Avoiding distractions
• Having an effective process
…and effectively balancing multiple sales activities.

Planning your day today doesn’t start at 6 a.m. An effective day in sales is made up of critical activities like..
• Sold Customer Retention
• Unsold Customer Follow Up
• Outgoing Prospecting Calls
• In-Person Prospecting In Service
• Taking Incoming Sales Calls
• Responding To Internet Leads
• Track Opportunity, Activities, Results
• Learning More Every Day

Sold Customers: You have your initial 6-week follow up process, so if you sell a car today, you’ll need to call them in about 3 hours. A reminder in your phone will come in handy so you don’t forget.

You’ll need to note in your Monthly Planning Guide (MPG) to send them a Thank You (T/U) note tomorrow so they get it in about 3 days.

You’ll want that “Who’s Who” (WW) at the dealership note to go out 7 days from now. A 2nd reminder a week after that.

Then you’ll send a note to let them know you’ll be staying in touch, and you’ll need to schedule that in your planner 45 days from the sale. And you’ll need to start your ongoing retention calls every 90 days after the sale.

That may sound like a lot of work, but it really isn’t. ‘Call the Smiths’ is a quick two thumbs entry in your smart phone. T/U to Smiths (Thank You) just takes a second to jot down for tomorrow. Writing Smith WW (Who’s Who) takes 3-4 seconds for next week, same with Smith WW Reminder a week later. And Newsletter note to Smith (NL) is another 5 to 6 seconds in the following week.

Total time to plan those activities so you are productive: 1-2 minutes per sale.

Tip: The VSA® in JVTN® does all of this for you automatically – just enter the sale and all of the reminders show up when they’re supposed to. If you don’t have JVTN®, go to and try the VSA® free demo on your own. Salespeople tell us it saves them about 30 hours a month.

Unsold Follow Up: You talked to 4 people today, you sold 1 and got contact information on 2 of the other 3. Call those 2 to get them back in. That’s 10 per week, 40 per month. 33% will come back (13) and 67% will buy (8).

Enter their info in your “Unsold” section of the MPG. Make your first call and send your quick Thank You note, e-mail or text message as you enter their information. If they don’t respond and don’t come back right away, write ‘Call Bob Jones’ as a to do for tomorrow.


For more information on selling, get Joe Verde’s latest book, “Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year.” Go to to get a free PDF or order a free soft cover book.