How To Go From 13 Units to 20 or 25
The one sentence answer … Learn to sell one more unit each month. A year from now, you’ll be at 25 cars a month.
Three things keep most people from selling more and earning more…
Skills – Habits – Attitude
You’ve probably heard about what happens to so many of the million dollar lottery winners. In one year, they’re worse off than before they won.
Why do most people who win millions end up worse off? Why is it so hard to quit smoking or to lose weight, and why is getting from 8 cars to 20 or 40 cars a month so tough for most salespeople?
Skills – Habits – Attitude
Sure, it’s tough to quickly learn to manage free money, kick a smoking habit, and to sell more cars. We know it can be done though, because there are lots of salespeople delivering 20 or 30 instead of the 8 or 9 units they sold for years. Selling 12 more can happen overnight, or just one more a month for a year, like the directions in the first sentence. Either way, it’s 12 more, and that’s a big deal.
To improve your sales and income…
Selling more is about doing something every minute to sell a vehicle now or in the future.
If you make $6,000 a month, that’s $37.50 an hour. Waste 2 hours a day, that’s $1,500 a month (or 5 more sales).
Write this down and read it often… “Am I doing the most productive thing possible to sell a car now or in the future?”
- Track, average & chart everything.
Units, gross, income, averages per sale, by product, by customer type, by contacts you make, calls you take, appointments – count and average everything.
Why? The more you know about what you do each day, the easier it is to improve.
- Set clear sales & income goals.
Get my free book, “Goal Setting For Salespeople” and follow the directions. (There’s too much to explain in here.)
- Follow our 8 steps to the sale, 100%.
Nothing you do will help you sell more than following our 8 Step Sales Process on the lot. Take the sales course, ‘How To Sell More Cars Every Month” on JVTN®, get to our 2-Day Sales Class or read our newsletters.
- Learn something new every day, and then ‘Master’ that skill.
Not on JVTN® and can’t afford our training? Read my free books. Once you sell an extra unit, use that money to get to class. Once you sell 2 extra units after class, get to the advanced class.
Follow my directions and you’ll double your sales and income in less than a year.